ch 25 Double Trouble

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"Oh, that's not good. That's not good at all" E.Gadd said looking at the computer.

"What is it, professor?" Luigi asked.

"The paranormal readings in the Treacherous Mansion are getting stronger. With the parascope going bonkers like this, there's no way it'll be able to find the Dark Moon piece. I'm also worried about the safety of my Toad assistant. See, the mansion contains exhibits full of artifacts from all over Evershade Valley and beyond! They're very valuable, so I sent a Toad curator to look after them. But looking at these readings, I reckon he may be in a hostile work environment. We need to help him! Besides, he might know where the ghosts are hiding the Dark Moon piece. Ok, don't drop the Front-Door key this time, youngster. Off you go!" E.Gadd said.

"Wait, I thought there were two-" Spectra said but was cut off.

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi reassembled at the front door. Spectra took out the key and unlocked the door.

"Welcome to the Treacherous Mansion" Spectra said.

Spectra opened the door to reveal... nothing. Just a black void where the room should be.

"Huh!?" Spectra and Luigi exclaimed in shock.

They shined their flashlights in the void but saw nothing. They turned away from the door and looked at each other confused. What they didn't know was that King Boo was directly behind them.

"What do we do? Is there another way in?" Luigi asked.

"We could try the windows but I don't- wait... Something doesn't feel right" Spectra said.

King Boo disappeared and the room reappeared as the two turned around. The two looked at the room in surprise before entering.

"Toad could be hidden anywhere in here. I say we start with the east wing" Spectra said.

"Got it. So what exactly is this place? A museum?" Luigi asked.

"In a way, yes. For me, however, it's where I got my college education. The professor arrived at the valley shortly after my graduation and the rest is history" Spectra explained as they walked through the east gallery.

The two then entered the jungle exhibit.

"Look! Over there!" Luigi said pointing to a Toad painting over the waterfall.

"Good eye, Luigi" Spectra said as they walked up to the painting.

Luigi was just about to shine the Dark-Light Device when suddenly, a carnivorous plant grew infront of the painting. Spectra and Luigi screamed as they quickly backed away from the plant's jaws. Just then, two strong greenies appeared wielding spears. Spectra and Luigi dodged the spears that were thrown at them. Once they were disarmed the two worked together to stun and capture the ghosts.

"Ok, now that that's settled, all we need to do is get rid of that plant" Luigi said.

"There should be a spikey seed plant at the bottom of the waterfall" Spectra said.

The two used some nearby vines to climb down to the bottom of the waterfall. There they found the spikey seed plant, but it bore no spikey seeds.

"It needs water" Luigi observed.

"There's a bucket in the Dark ages exhibit. Come on, we'll take a shortcut" Spectra said.

Spectra walked under the waterfall and Luigi followed her. Behind the waterfall was an E.Gate. Spectra activated the E.Gate and the two stepped through into the front entrance. The two then entered the west gallery before entering the Dark ages exhibit.

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