ch 2 Poltergust 5000

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Inside the Bunker Luigi was trembling in fear.

"What're ya scared of, sonny? It's just a few harmless ghosts. Well... a few hundred ghosts. And they're not exactly harmless" E.Gadd said.

"Not helping, Professor" Spectra said.

"But looky here- with my brains, Spectra's knowledge and your... ah... your... Hmm. We're in a bit of a pickle here, aren't we" E.Gadd said.

"PROFESSOR!" Spectra scolded before turning to Luigi.

"Don't listen to him, you'll be fine. Besides, from what I heard you've got experience with this sort of thing" Spectra said.

Luigi smiled at her.

"Anywho, the only way out of this mess is to restore the Dark Moon. Which means you two are going to need some ghost-hunting gear! But wouldn't you know it- I left my new Poltergust 5000, along with it's prototype, somewhere inside the Gloomy Manor. So now that we've cleared that blasted fog from around the place, I'm sending you two in after it!" E.Gadd said before pulling out a DS game system.

"Look familiar? This customized DS has an interactive map of the Gloomy Manor on it. It'll also allow me to communicate with you while you're exploring" E.Gadd said handing the DS to Luigi.

"Got it" Luigi said putting the DS in his pocket.

E.Gadd then tossed two flashlights to Luigi and Spectra.

"And it's mighty dark in there so you'll want those flashlights" E.Gadd said.

"Good call" Spectra said slipping the flashlight into her tool belt.

"Ok, youngsters. Let's test the DS!" E.Gadd said before typing on his computer.

Just then a ringtone was heard from the DS.

"Catchy" Spectra said as Luigi opened the DS.

"All righty. Now check your map- I'm marking an important location there" E.Gadd said.

A marker appeared on the map.

"The garage?" Spectra asked.

"I think that's where I left the Poltergusts" E.Gadd said.

Luigi put the DS away.

"You ready, youngsters? I'll zap you to the Gloomy Manor with my new and largely untested pixelator! Now, who's up first?" E.Gadd asked.

Spectra and Luigi looked at each other.

"Ladies first!" Spectra said stepping forward.

"You can't be serious" Luigi said worried.

"Beam me up Professor!" Spectra said determined.

"All righty then. Let's hope all the pixels make it this time. Heh heh..." E.Gadd said before pressing a button.

The monitor screen glew bright green before shining a light on Spectra. Spectra was pixelated and sucked into the monitor.

E.Gadd then turned to Luigi.

"Your turn, sonny. Hold on to your mustache!" E.Gadd said.

E.Gadd pressed a button and Luigi braced himself as he was pixelated.

The pixels traveled to their destination.

Infront of the Gloomy Manor a camera shoots out Spectra's pixels. The pixels reformed themselves and Spectra lands on her feet. Spectra looks herself over.

"Feet, legs, arms, torso, head. Yep, I'm all here" Spectra said.

Then the camera shot out Luigi's pixles. The pixels reformed themselves into Luigi and he fell on his back.

Spectra spooks and the Dark Moon Where stories live. Discover now