ch 28 Paranormal Chaos

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"Spectra! Luigi! I can't tell if this is good news or bad news... But after you defeated Big Boo, the parascope detected a radical new signal... It indicates something I've never seen before - a distortion in the very fabric of our dimension!" E.Gadd said.

Spectra's eyes widened.

"You don't mean..."

"Indeed I do, Ms. Spooks. A paranormal portal on the terrace! I'd wager that the final Dark Moon Piece is hidden beyond that portal, and that's why we haven't found it! And I'd bet my glasses that you'll find Mario's painting and King Boo in there too!" E.Gadd said.

Luigi looked nervous.

"This sounds pretty dangerous" Luigi said.

"It's EXTREMELY dangerous, but we don't have a choice!" Spectra said.

"Be careful, youngsters. The future of Evershade Valley is in your hands!" E.Gadd said.

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi reassembled in the inner courtyard.

Spectra walked up to the rotor and turned the staircase to the center. Spectra and Luigi climbed up the stairs and entered the terrace. There they saw a golden statue in the shape of an evil fanged smile. The two gasped when they saw King Boo appear infront of the statue. King Boo laughed evily before charging up the jewel on his crown. He fired a beam at the statue and a portal opened up above it. Spectra and Luigi were frozen in shock as they gazed up at the portal. King Boo cackled before flying into the portal. Spectra was the first to snap out of her shock.

"We-We've got to go after him!" Spectra said snapping Luigi out of his shock.

Spectra and Luigi approached the portal when, suddenly, all sorts of ghosts flew out.

"Get down!" Luigi said before he and Spectra ducked.

The ghosts flew over their heads and into the mansion. Spectra and Luigi cautiously got up once the ghosts had passed. Thunder could be heard as purple lightning flashed through the sky.

"That can't be good" Spectra said.

Just then the DS rang and Luigi answered it.


"CRIMINY!" E.Gadd yelled startling Luigi.

Luigi fumbled with the DS before catching it.

"The paranormal levels just shot through the roof! This is really serious. The portal will have to wait. If we don't reduce the paranormality, our dimension could collapse upon itself! I'll update your map with the ghosts' locations. Look lively, youngsters!" E.Gadd said before hanging up.

The map chimed and marked the Space and Nautical exhibits.

"Let's go to the nautical exhibit first" Spectra said.

Luigi nodded before the two ran into the inner courtyard. They hurried down the steps and turned the rotor. The stairs face the east rooms and the two raced up the stairs. They entered the east corridor before entering the nautical exhibit.

There they saw 5 slammer ghosts. They each stunned a ghost and started to suck them up. As they were dragged around the room they had to jump to avoid the other ghosts attacks. Spectra and Luigi worked together to capture the ghosts. Just then the DS chirped and E.Gadd's voice could be heard.

"More ghosts about, youngsters!" E.Gadd said and the map marked more locations.

Spectra went to the ship's wheel and spun it. A section of the wall turned revealing the E.Gate.

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