ch 8 A job for a plumber

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"Our quest is taking us to a new location! Aren't you excited?" E.Gadd asked.

"No, not really" Luigi said shaking his head.

Spectra playfully nudged Luigi.

"Aw, come on, where's your sense  of adventure?" Spectra asked.

"Our work is far from done. We need to get a handle on these ghosts, or who knows how far they'll spread!" E.Gadd said.

"And there's only one way to fix this mess - restore the Dark Moon and place it back up in the sky" Spectra said.

"My parascope has located the next piece somewhere in these Haunted Towers" E.Gadd said.

"I haven't been there for a while. The Towers have been getting in bad shape and the ghosts thought it would be safer if I stayed away till they could fix it up. It's probably been over run by the exotic plants now" Spectra said.

"What's more, the water system seems to be broken. If only we had a plumber around here..." E.Gadd said.

"Actually I-" Luigi said before E.Gadd lowered a monitor showing a water wheel generator.

"You see, the Haunted Towers feature a complex water system that powers all the machinery. So the first thing on your to-do list will be to check the Hydro Generator. Oh, and keep an eye out for new types of ghosts. That goes without saying. Good luck, youngsters!" E.Gadd said.

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi resembled at the entrance.

Spectra walked up to the gate and used her ghost key to unlock it. Spectra held the gate open for Luigi.

"Welcome, to the Haunted Towers" Spectra said.

Luigi and Spectra passed the gate into the courtyard. The two then entered the  Hydro Generator room. There they saw a Slammer ghost messing with the generator.

The Slammer saw them and flew up into the ceiling. Spectra walked over and inspected the generator. She hummed in thought as she looked it over.

"The generator seems to be in good condition, so the water pump must be clogged. We should check the water supply on the roof" Spectra said.

"Got it" Luigi said.

They were about to leave when Spectra noticed something.

"Hold on, I think there's an illusion here" Spectra said.

Spectra put on her goggles and activated the Spector-Spec's. Spectra pointed to the wall.

"Right there"

Luigi shined the Dark-Light device where she was pointing, releasing the spirit balls. Spectra sucked up the spirit balls revealing the toolbox. Just then a Boo popped out startling them.

"A one, and a two, and we all love MamBoo! Except for you!" The Boo said before turning invisible.

Spectra used her Spector-Spec's to locate the Boo.

"Over there!" Spectra exclaimed pointing.

Luigi shined the Dark-Light device revealing the Boo. Luigi then used the Poltergust to pull on the Boo's tongue. Luigi let go causing the Boo to crash into everything. Once the Boo was dizzy Luigi sucked it up.

"Good work, Luigi" Spectra said moving the goggles to the top of her head.

The two exited the room and entered the courtyard. Spectra then used her ghost key to unlock the door to the tower lobby. They entered the lobby to see the path was blocked by an empty trench.

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