ch 17 Play Catch

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Spectra and Luigi returned to the Bunker after a quick wash up.

"Ah, Spectra, Luigi, just the people I wanted to see. Not that we have a choice, being stuck here in the Bunker together and all. Anyhoo, I tried my darnedest, but I wasn't able to locate that missing hour hand. The parascope can only find paranormal objects, so we're outta luck there" E.Gadd said.

"So we've got nothing to go on?" Spectra asked.

"Not quite. While I was searching, I found some minor paranormal signals in the Clockworks court. It's probably just a few greenies, but we have to start our search somewhere" E.Gadd said.

"Sounds good to me" Spectra said.

"Ok, you ready, youngsters? Prepare to be pixelated!" E.Gadd said.

Spectra stood ready while Luigi was apprehensive.

"And, son, you don't need to cower in fear every time I pixelate you" E.Gadd said.

"I can't help it. Being broken down into tiny pieces and then put back together again? That's terrifying!" Luigi said.

"It's not so bad. I mean, we've done it over a dozen times and noting has gone wrong yet" Spectra said.

"Yet being the key word" Luigi said.

"All right, I'm going to push the button now. Don't go cowering in fear this time, you hear?" E.Gadd said.

Luigi cowered in fear.

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi reassembled in the Clockworks court.

"Luigi, look!" Spectra whispered urgently pointing towards the Old Clockworks.

There they saw three greenies playing catch with the hour hand. Suddenly Polterpup jumped in the air and caught the hour hand before swallowing it. Polterpup barked playfully before running inside the building. One of the greenies shook his fist angrily and signaled the other two to follow him. The greenies flew inside the Old Clockworks.

"Looks like Polterpup's at it again" Luigi said.

"We'd better find him before those greenies do" Spectra said slipping on her goggles and activating her Spector-Spec's.

The two hopped over the barrier gate and entered the warehouse. Inside the warehouse was the three greenies. Two of the greenies got away while the third was captured.

Spectra followed the ghostly pawprints into the workshop. A greenie was inside but flew away before they could capture it. The pawprints led to one of the machines. Spectra rattled the machine and Polterpup ran out.

He ran past her and circled Luigi. Spectra was about to stun him when a greenie appeared behind her and pushed her. Spectra yelled as she fell, scaring off Polterpup. The greenie chased after the ghost dog.

"Rats! This is gonna be harder than I thought" Spectra said as Luigi helped her up.

The two then entered the clock tower gate room. As they were crossing the room, one of the lanterns fell and nearly hit Luigi. Luigi let out a yelp as he jumped in fright. A familiar cackle was heard as a Boo flew out of the lantern.

"Don't you dare call me GumBoo! My name be JamBoolaya!" The boo said before turning invisible.

Spectra was able to locate the Boo.

"Over there!"

Luigi shined the Dark-Light device on the Boo revealing it. Luigi then used his Poltergust to pull on the Boo's tongue. Luigi let go sending the Boo crashing into the walls. The Boo fell dizzly to the ground and Luigi swiftly captured it.

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