ch 13 Tree Topping

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"Luigi, Spectra, It's time to open that creepy door and see what's behind it! Aren't you excited?" E.Gadd asked.

Luigi shook his head no and Spectra chuckled.

"Thanks to my recent analysis of the Dark Moon pieces, the parascope has become much more accurate!" E.Gadd said.

"So you've found out where the Dark Moon piece is?" Luigi asked.

"Indeed I have! The piece we're looking for is located at the very top of the tree!" E.Gadd said.

"I'm willing to bet that it's in my old Treehouse" Spectra said.

"You would be correct Ms. Spooks" E.Gadd said.

"Huh, guess we were on the right track after all" Spectra said.

E.Gadd then pulled out the special key and handed it to Spectra.

"And here's the Special key. It wasn't tough to fix" E.Gadd said.

Spectra took the key and put it in her pocket.

"Use the key to open that door, get to the treehouse, and find that Dark Moon piece! Oh, and one more thing... The parascope picked up some... troubling signals inside the Treehouse. Powerful signals. Be careful up there!" E.Gadd said.

Spectra and Luigi glanced at each other nervously.

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi resembled infront of the creepy door.

"All right, here we go" Spectra said.

Spectra pulled out the key and unlocked the creepy door. The door opened and a gust of wind blew past the two. Spectra and Luigi felt a chill go down their spines. They glanced at each other before going in.

"Ok, it's a straight shot up to the Treehouse. All we have to do is climb the..."

Spectra trailed off when she and Luigi saw the stairs. Lots and lots of stairs.


"Mama mia" Luigi said.

Suddenly a possessor ghost popped up infront of them making them scream. The possessor laughed evily before flying up to the top of the tree.

Spectra and Luigi approached the stairs. There were three different sets to take on each floor going all the way to the top of the tree. Spectra and Luigi looked up at the many sets of stairs.

"Think the stairs are haunted?" Luigi asked.

"Most likely. Fortunately for us, my Spector-Spec's can show us the safe path" Spectra said before slipping on her goggles.

She activated her Spector-Spec's only for them to flicker and shut off.

"No no no!" Spectra said as she took off her goggles and examined them.

"What? What's wrong?" Luigi asked.

"The battery's dead! I'll have to replace it at the Bunker. I won't be able to see which path is safe" Spectra said placing her goggles on top of her head.

"Then we'll just have to guess and hope we're right" Luigi said.

Luigi walked up to the center stairs and climbed up. When nothing happened he sighed in relief.

"Hang on, I've got an idea" Spectra said before pulling out a pencil from her toolbelt.

She knelt down and drew a circle infront of the center stairs.

"There. This way we'll keep track of the right path" Spectra said climbing up the stairs.

"Good idea" Luigi said.

Spectra spooks and the Dark Moon Where stories live. Discover now