ch 16 Roundhouse Brawl

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"Guess what, youngsters? The parascope was able to find that Poltergeist that took the clock hands! It's signal is different than other ghosts" E.Gadd said.

"That makes sense. Old Blue is an ancient ghost" Spectra said.

"Very exciting stuff. Capturing an ancient ghost would make for groundbreaking research" E.Gadd said.

Spectra crossed her arms and gave him a scolding look. E.Gadd laughed nervously.

"Anyhoo, he seems to have settled in the Roundhouse" E.Gadd said.

"We'll need to be careful. Ghosts tend to gain power over time, and they don't call them ancient ghosts for nothing" Spectra said.

"I guess you could say... he had a lot of time on his hands! Heh heh! Get it? Time on his hands? Because he has the Clock hands?" E.Gadd said.

Spectra and Luigi looked at him unimpressed.

"Ahem..." E.Gadd said awkwardly.

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi resembled in the warehouse.

"Ok, the ramp to the Roundhouse is lifted, so we'll need to go the long way around back" Spectra said.

Spectra walked up to the lift and Luigi followed her. Once on Spectra turned the hand crank, raising the lift. They stepped off the lift and approached the door, only to see it blocked off by debris.

"Hmm... this could be a problem" Spectra said.

Luigi looked down and saw a bot buddy at the base of the debris. Luigi picked it up and handed it to Spectra.

"Maybe this could help?" Luigi asked.

Spectra took the bot buddy and examined it. She pressed the button, activating it, and threw it behind the pile of debris. The bot buddy grew arms and legs before running towards them. It collided with the debris and exploded. Spectra and Luigi covered their heads from the falling debris. When the debris stopped falling they looked up seeing the path was clear.

The two then entered the clockmaker's chambers where they saw a greenie asleep on the bed with a bucket over its head. Spectra turned to Luigi and put a finger to her lips. Luigi nodded and the two began to sneak past the greenie. Spectra was about to grab the doorknob when suddenly an alarm clock rang out causing everyone to scream.

The greenie crashed into the wall knocking the bucket off its head. Luigi quickly stunned and captured the ghost.

Once the room was clear the two entered the second floor of the roundhouse. There they could see Old Blue down below with the clock hand. He used his telekinetic power to make the bricks float around him.

"There he is" Luigi said.

"But we have to get to the other side of the room to get down there. Hope you've got good balance, Luigi" Spectra said.

"Why?" Luigi asked as Spectra approached a set of iron beams.

"Because that's our only way across" Spectra said.

Luigi stared fearfully at the beams. The beams had various blockades, so they had to jump between them to get across.

Spectra went first as she carefully stepped onto the beam. Holding out her arms for balance, she began to slowly cross. Luigi swallowed his nerves and followed after her.

They stopped when they reached the first blockade. Spectra took a deep breath and lept to the beam next to her. She nearly lost her balance but quickly righted herself up. Luigi leaped next and was able to keep his balance.

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