ch 10 Graveyard Shift

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"All right, you two! Got those Pinwheel vanes with you?" E.Gadd asked.

Luigi held up the sack containing the Pinwheel vanes.

"Right here, Professor" Luigi said.

Spectra could be seen rummaging through a tool box.

"No... No... Aha! Found it!" Spectra said pulling out a socket wrench.

"This should fix up those vanes" Spectra said slipping the wrench into her toolbelt.

"Remember: lefty loosey, righty tighty" E.Gadd said.

Spectra and Luigi rolled their eyes.

"Now, once you open the gate, enter the Hollow tree and look for a way up. I get the feeling the Dark Moon piece is somewhere near the top. Ok, I'll be comfortably monitoring your progress from here. You know... as usual. Anyhoo, good luck, kiddos!" E.Gadd said.

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi resembled at the entrance. There they came face to face with a carnivorous plant.

The two yelped and jumped back from the plant. Spectra saw a spikey seed plant on the other side of the carnivorous plant. Spectra looked back and forth between the spikey seed and the carnivorous plant.

"I'm going for it!" Spectra declared before running forward.

The carnivorous plant snapped at Spectra but she leaped and rolled out of the way. She got back up and used her Poltergust to pluck a spikey seed. Spectra aimed the Poltergust at the carnivorous plant and launched the spikey seed. The plant ate the seed and wilted away.

"Nice work Spectra" Luigi said walking up to her.

Spectra nodded at Luigi.

"Thanks. Now let's fix that Pinwheel gate" Spectra said.

The two entered the courtyard only to see a greenie and a Slammer ghost at the Pinwheel gate. The greenie was instructing the Slammer to pry off the last remaining Pinwheel vane. The Slammer grabbed the Pinwheel vane and started to pry it off. Luigi sneezed grabbing the Greenie's attention. The greenie looked shocked before flying away. Spectra glared at the Slammer.

"Hey! Leave that alone!" Spectra yelled.

The Slammer stopped prying and turned his attention to the two. The slammer growled at them and started to attack. Two more Slammers appeared and started to attack as well. Spectra and Luigi dodged the attacks and captured the ghosts. The greenie ghost returned and was captured as well.

The two then walked up to the Pinwheel gate. Luigi pulled out the sack containing the Pinwheel vanes. Luigi placed the vanes back into their slots. Once the vanes were in place Spectra jumped onto the lock. She pulled out her wrench and tightened the vanes into place. Spectra hopped down and the two nodded at their accomplishment.

"Ok, let's get to that tree" Spectra said.

The two used the blow function on their poltergusts to spin the Pinwheel lock. The Pinwheel gate opened and the two entered the Hollow Tree. Inside the tree was two sets of stairs and a tunnel blocked off by spiderwebs.

"Alright, let's get to it" Spectra said.

The two headed for the left stairs and started to climb. Halfway up, the steps turned into a slide. Spectra and Luigi screamed as they slid down the steps.

"Not again!" Spectra exclaimed as she slid.

A greenie popped appeared and laughed at them as the stairs retracted into the wall. The two quickly got up before the greenie could attack them. Luigi stunned and captured the ghost before looking up the flights of stairs.

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