Thank You!

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My biggest passion in life is reading and in turn writing but while I was a pretty decent writer when I was younger I lost my confidence. With the encouragement of my husband, I decided to write this fanfiction of characters I love to try and get that passion back. It's easier to create one character of your own than dozens lol 

Because of my own doubts in myself, this story took WAY longer to write than it should have - I had the whole story in my head for months but didn't think that anyone would even want to read it so I let those doubts win for way too long. 

Thank you to everyone who has added this story to their reading lists - voted - and left comments. These notifications warmed my heart and gave me the confidence to push through my negative thoughts. Especially when I made the Top 10 out of 3.4k stories ( YOU GUYS ARE INCREDIBLE)

I have another story in my head to follow Evelyn and Bucky on - but want to make sure I get all the storyline mapped out so I don't string anyone along. In addition, I will be editing this story to fix my blunders when I first started to flesh out the story. My brain works much quicker than my fingers, unfortunately. 

I appreciate you all so much and can't wait to share the rest of this story with you. <3 

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