Chapter 1~Starting A New Life

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Lupin Residence, June 1995

Avalon paced back and forth as she waited for the final results of both her O.W.L.S. and N.E.W.T results while Remus Lupin, her "guardian" since her Third Year, sat in a chair reading a book. "The letter will come when it comes. You can't rush these things, Avalon." Remus said not looking up from his book and Avalon huffed and sat down near the window. "I know...but the sooner I am away from everyone here, the better. The professors managed to give me the N.E.W.T tests when they saw just how well I had been doing on the exam studies for O.W.L.S....Professor McGonagall said that my scores and results outdid those of both 'Mother' and that stupid Granger girl." Avalon huffed and Remus shook his head.

Ever since Avalon's second year, she had been in competition with the muggleborn Hermione Granger, who Avalon's parents had decided to sponsor for her whole seven years of Hogwarts while also forgetting about Avalon in the process. During Avalon's fifth year in 1994, while everyone focused on the Tri Wizard Tournament, Avalon asked to do both her Exams and was allowed to only after recovering from being held hostage towards the end of the tournament by Voldemort's followers. "It's here!" Avalon said as the owl from Hogwarts came and dropped off her letter. Avalon took the letter and opened it up with a smile.

'Dear Miss Potter, this letter entails the final results of your O.W.L.S. and N.E.W.T.S exams. Please note, the grading as stated below-


E-Exceeds Expectations





Class Exam Results-







History of Magic-A,A

Ancient Runes-O,O


Magical Painting-O,O

*Apparition Lessons-Scored a high result, is ready to fully Apparate with supervision if needed*

Because of the results of her exams, Avalon Potter need not return to Hogwarts for her Sixth and Seventh years.

Sincerely, Deputy Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall.

P.S. Do not worry about the Headmaster, your scores were graded and looked over by myself*

"I did it! I passed." Avalon cheered and Remus Lupin got up and hugged her as they both laughed. "Now, we put our plan into action and fast." Remus Lupin explained and they quickly parted and Avalon went upstairs to finish packing everything while downstairs, Remus Lupin gathered the necessary documents that he would give to the Gringotts Bank. "I'm ready." Avalon said as she came back down, her bag filled with her things and enchanted with a lightweight and never-ending bottom spell. "Alright, let's go. With any luck, we won't run into Sirius or James while in Diagon Alley." Remus Lupin said as he and Avalon went through the Floo network, arriving at the Leaky Cauldron and quickly went to the back area where Remus Lupin pushed the correct brick square and opened the pathway into Diagon Alley.

"Keep close...The ministry is also out for blood after what your siblings had said." Avalon rolled her eyes. Yes, Voldemort was back as she too along with her younger sister, Daisy had been captured when Harry competed in the final part of the Tri-Wizard Tournament but no one seemed to care about her, only Harry and Daisy. "I know and I will be careful." Avalon responded as they walked into Gringotts and walked to the closest goblin at the desk. "Greetings, Goblin Bank-teller, we would like a withdrawal and whatever vaults Avalon Potter has in her name." Remus Lupin explained and the Goblin nodded, going to get the papers needed while Avalon and Remus Lupin waited and made small talk when the goblin returned with the papers and small pouch of gold. "This may not look like much, but it has been enchanted with a never-ending bottom for the amount of gold she is entitled to as the firstborn of House Potter, per its traditions. I also understand that you plan to leave the country, the amount of gold and vaults that Avalon is entitled to by right of conquest, inheritance of gifting shall also be transferred to your new location." The goblin explained and Remus Lupin nodded.

After they were through at Gringotts, Remus Lupin and Avalon went to a secret location that only they knew of and pulled out an international portkey. "This portkey will take us directly to the city that your aunt and uncle moved to last year." Remus Lupin said and Avalon took it, though she winced as she still wasn't used to Portkey travel. Both Remus and Avalon arrived with a pop right outside a city called 'Angel Grove'. "Alright, let's find their house." Remus said as he and Avalon started walking down the streets, only to stop at the sight of several colorful figures fighting a weird monster. "Uh....let's go...this way!" Avalon ran with Remus Lupin following her and they managed to find the street name that Avalon's aunt and uncle lived on. "Here we are, 82893 Chestnut Ave." Remus Lupin remembered the street number that he got in a letter from Petunia after they had moved.

Avalon went up and knocked on the door and it opened to reveal Avalon's cousin, Dudley who stared at his cousin in shock before smiling. "Hey Big D." Avalon greeted as she and Dudley shared a hug before breaking apart and Avalon and Remus Lupin walked in, seeing Aunt Petunia in the kitchen. "Oh good, you two finally made it." She said as she walked over. Despite the practical nonexistent relationship Petunia had with Lily, after Avalon showed up when she was thirteen, begging to stay someplace safe, Petunia was protective of Avalon and was grateful of Remus Lupin for helping het Avalon away from the Potters and their awful lifestyle. "Vernon should be home soon...that is, if he doesn't encounter the power rangers or one of those horrid monsters." Petunia said as she went back to the kitchen.

"Power Rangers?" Avalon asked and Dudley's eyes widened and he pulled Avalon over to the couch in the living room. "Yeah, they are these colored superheroes who have saved Angel Grove and possibly the Earth from weird creatures. I haven't met them personally, but they are so cool!" Dudley went on, talking about the heroes while Avalon listened with a smile on her face. "I will be looking into houses for Avalon and I to move into starting tomorrow, but for now, I need to enroll her in high school. Avalon may have finished Hogwarts, but she wants to experience a real muggle high school and have at least a normal teen life that she missed out on back in England." Remus told Petunia who shook her head at her niece's old life. "Well, you two came to the best city...granted Americans are funny and weird, the high school will be good for her. It was for Dudley, he has been taking martial arts classes taught by some of the older students." Petunia said with a smile as the door opened and in walked Vernon Dursley. "Ah, I see you two finally left those wizarding folks for good." Vernon said to Remus who nodded grimly.

"I got her out just in time too...I didn't tell her, but I had overheard James and Sirius talking with Molly Weasley...harpy bitch. They were talking about forcing Avalon under some sort of love potion or marriage contract to Percy Weasley, but they can't do it as James signed over guardianship to me after the running away thing resulted in her coming into contact with Dementors." Both Vernon and Petunia looked aghast at what Remus told them before anger came onto their faces. "That no good....I say they are still as backwards as can be." Vernon grumbled while Remus looked over at Avalon and Dudley who were watching the news about the Power Rangers and smiled....maybe this city was better for starting a new life.

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