Chapter 29~Master Vile and the Metallic Armor Part 3

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"Zordon, we got to restore the rangers energy." Alpha said as Remus helped Avalon and she leaned against Tommy. "I am going to attempt to recharge them using a high energy surge from the morphin grid." Zordon said and the rangers all looked at him. "Is that safe?" Kat asked before agreeing to let Zordon give them the charge. The rangers felt a bit better, but a bit dizzy from the energy drain and it would take some time before their powers were all restored. "It should also help boost Avalon's magical core as well. Her temps are rising again." Remus sighed with relief as Avalon had stopped shuddering and felt better, but not all the way there yet. "Oh no....they are getting all the monsters together for" Avalon said with a grimace on her face and the rangers agreed. "He's going to destroy the earth....Zordon, we have to do!" Tommy urged but Zordon said that it would take hours for the metallic armor to fully charge. "Then we just buy them time." Avalon said with determination in her voice. Aisha and Adam stayed behind to help Billy while Remus went with Avalon, Kat, Tommy, and Rocky to the Youth Center to take a look at things.

"Guys....guys!" Avalon whisper-yelled to Bulk and Skull who were hiding under two hats. "Hey! You guys! What happened to you?" Bulk asked as he and Skull took off their hats. " guys must really have been lost." Skull said while Avalon scratched the back of her neck in a nervous way. "You could say that....We just found our way back to town." Avalon said. "Have you seen the Power Rangers anywhere?" Bulk and Skull asked and the five shook their heads. "Man, look around you guys! Master Vile is making everybody dance till they drop!" Bulk said as the group looked around. "Yeah...Master Vile's gonna start the destruction ceremony soon. Man, those guys are cutting it way too close!" "Face it, Skull...something terrible must have happened to the rangers." Bulk said as tengas appeared and made the two dance again while the rangers and Lupin watched in horror. "Oh man. It's never been this bad before." Avalon shook her head as Goldar appeared behind the rangers. "You's never been better! Do you think I need to fight you now? Why would I bother, when the earth belongs to Master Vile, you Power Punks!" Goldar taunted as the rangers got into fighting positions.

The watches went off and the group all looked at each other before going to a secluded area. "It's Avalon." "Avalon, I found the zords." Billy said though there was something uneasy about his tone. "Billy, what's wrong?" Tommy asked. "I need everybody to report back." Billy said and the group all looked at each other before shrugging and left to head back to the command center. "The zords and the ZEO crystal are on a defeated planet in Master Vile's home galaxy, M51." Billy explained as it showed the zords and Adam noted that the zords look like they were turned to stone when they were actually rusted because the planet's atmosphere was extremely corosive to metal. "Master Vile moved the ZEO crystal to the Ninja Megazord and established an energy link. Yes, Avalon...he got through your wards because of your weakened state." Avalon cursed under her breath. "We got to destroy it." "Yeah...but how do we get there?" Rocky asked and Billy walked over. "Well, we do have enough energy for a long-rang group teleportation." Billy suggested. "You mean, we're going to another galaxy??" Kat asked and both Aisha and Avalon nodded with smiles on their faces.

The seven rangers teleported to the planet where their zords were at. "Those zords don't look like they will be moving any time soon." Aisha said as the rangers made their way to the zords to try and get them working again. "How are we going to get inside?" "The podetial emergency egress." Billy said as the rangers touched the zord. "The what?" "The big toe emergency exit." Avalon surmised as Billy took out his Blaster Blade to blast at the rust, but one blaster was not enough and Avalon dared not use her magic as she could still feel it was weakened, so the rangers all used their Blaster Blades and managed to get the door opened and they all went in and climbed the ladder to the top right as Master Vile used the ZEO crystal to blast parts of the earth. "He must be using the crystal....let's hurry." Avalon said as they continued climbing until they found the ZEO crystal. "We have to break Master Vile's connection to the crystal first and foremost." Avalon said as Tommy walked over to something behind the ZEO crystal. "I think the panels are drawing energy from the Morphin Grid itself." Tommy guessed as the rangers all looked at the ZEO crystal. "Well, that plus our power coins should be enough to break Master Vile's connection." Billy said and the rangers used their powers to destroy the link to Master Vile.

As the rangers were returning, Master Vile sent the Globber to trash and destroy the city when the zords all returned. "He may be linked to Ninjor...but we have no choice." Avalon said as she and Tommy headed for the Falconzord while the other rangers controlled the other two zords to fight against Globber. The falconzord flew at Globber, striking him several times before the zords swung at Globber who then was using the rangers own powers against them. "Man, I wish we had some help." Tommy said as he and Avalon continued to fly the Falconzord to fight against the Globber. "Rangers, I am reversing Master Vile's spell of darkness...the sunlight should help!" Alpha said over the coms as the sunlight came back. It worked and Globber's powers were weakened to the point he was no longer connected to Ninjor again.

Ninjor grew to the same size as the ranger zords as did Master Vile, and soon the rangers plus Ninjor were taking on Master Vile and Globber and finally defeating Globber. The Falconzord joined with the zord to defeat Master Vile again. "Ahahahahaha! You'll never defeat me, rangers. I'll return when you least expect it! You haven't seen the last of Master Vile!" Master Vile yelled as he vanished. The rangers got out of their zords to go destroy the crystal and called on the Metallic Armor for protection. Then Tommy used his sword to cut the crystals into pieces and they grabbed pieces before heading to throw them through a time portal that Zordon had created. Once they were gone, the rangers headed back to continue the Nature Appreciation Ride that Lt. Stone kept. Avalon and Tommy were walking by their horses while Kat was reading a letter that her mother had given her with a smile on her face and Kat blushed as she read over the letter.

'Dear Kat. I was wondering if you would like to come live with me in England? I now own a flat in London, close to Diagon Alley where my shop is. And I am sure my mum would love to see you again. She can't stop talking about the 'pretty blond girl who rescued her son'. Let me know when you can....Well, I gotta go. Love, Fred W.'

*Should Kat go before Rangers in Reverse or after it?*

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