Chapter 17~A Different Shade Of Pink Part 1

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Another day at the Youth Center saw Avalon and Tommy cheering on Kimberly as she practiced her gymnastic routine with ease when an older man came and stood next to them. "Your friend is quite gifted." He noted and Avalon nodded with a smile. "She's getting better every day. Sorry for being rude, I'm Avalon and this is my boyfriend, Tommy." Avalon introduced herself and Tommy to the man. "Gunther Schmidt." Both Tommy and Avalon's eyes widened as they stared at the man. "No way, the famous gymnastics coach?" Tommy asked as the man nodded his head as Kimberly finished a dismount and stood in front of her friends before looking at the man standing next to them and her eyes widened as well. "Oh my gosh!" Kimberly started jabbering while star struck and looking at Gunther Schmidt.

"Quite an impressive routine, Kimberly." Gunther praised Kimberly who was still star struck. "Thanks." Avalon watched with an amused smile on her as Kimberly talked with Gunther as he planned to clear some time to help Kimberly with her routines. "I think we should tell the others to meet us at the Command Center." Avalon whispered to Tommy who nodded in agreement. Later on, the seven rangers all met at the Command Center with the four others looking perplexed. "Kimberly, Tommy, Avalon...we came as soon as we got the message. Is everything alright?" Rocky asked and the three close rangers sighed. "Yeah, I just really want to talk to you guys about something." Kimberly started. "Well, at gymnastics, the most amazing thing happened." Kimberly said and Aisha guessed it was about Gunther. Everyone seemed happy about the offer. "Kimberly is worried about the time he's gonna take away from her duties as a Power Ranger." Avalon explained as she put an arm around Kimberly. 

"Kimberly, you sense of loyalty and responsibility speak well beyond your years...although becoming a Power Ranger sometimes means you must make sacrifices, it was never my intention to deprive any of you a life experience such as this." Zordon explained as the rangers turned to look at him. Both he and the other rangers fully supported Kimberly in her want for this and as such, Kimberly started training with Gunther Schmidt. Avalon had prepared several potions for Kimberly to take to regain her strength since Kimberly's power coin was still missing. Meanwhile, Kat was slowly fighting the control of Rita thanks to Avalon's charm, though the hold was still too strong, little by little, the charm was breaking away to free the true Kat Hillard. Back with the rangers, Zordon showed them the viewing globe where Rita had split her forces up. "Adam, you can go with Billy and handle the tengas. Aisha and Rocky will deal with Vampirus and Artistmole ....Avalon and I will handle Goldar." Tommy ordered the rangers who nodded and quickly morphed and headed to the respected locations.

Aisha and Rocky took down Vampirus and Artistmole while Billy and Adam took down the tengas. Avalon and Tommy used their combined powers to take on Goldar and his tengas. Kimberly came, though it was bad, she, Avalon and Tommy took on Goldar and his goons when Rito appeared and soon the other rangers appeared and together, the seven used their teamwork to show Goldar and the minions who was boss. Avalon used her magic through her scythe to take out the tengas and save Adam from Artistmole when they all vanished, leaving the rangers to watch as Kimberly morphed and left to head back to Gunther when she had to be called back again cause they came back stronger. Kat had been listening to it and smirked before wincing as a headache started in her head and she had a flashback before leaving. 

The rangers used their shark cycles against Goldar, Rito and the goons. Rito jumped on the back of Avalon's bike as Tommy and Kimberly chased after them. "Rito, lay off her!" Tommy snarled as he sped up to catch the bone-head idiot. Tommy kicked him off before he vanished as did the other monsters. "Kimberly...what's wrong?" Avalon asked as they stopped and she noticed Kimberly was breathing heavily. "Yeah, I think so...I'm just really exhausted..." Kimberly huffed as Avalon checked her over and frowned, her wand showing that Kimberly's energy levels were going down fast. "Have you been taking those potions?" Avalon asked and Kimberly nodded, but Avalon did not really believe her. "KIMBERLY!" Avalon cried out as she grabbed Kimberly who fainted. "Get her in the truck." Tommy said as they demorphed and quickly got Kimberly in the truck and drove back to the Youth Center. 

"I think I will stay with her and watch over her." Avalon said as she kissed Tommy's cheek and walked in, leaning against the wall as Kimberly started her work. Meanwhile, Kat was sitting in her cat form, recalling how she came to be under Rita's spell. "Oh no...." Kat, finally free from Rita's spell ran to get inside the juice bar to save Kimberly and help Avalon. "KIMBERLY!" Kat ran as fast as she could when she heard Avalon scream her friends name and watched as Kimberly fell off the beam. "It's all my fault..." Kat cried as Avalon looked at the half-blood and put a hand on her arm. "The spell is broken...we can use your help still, Kat. But first, we need to get Kimberly to the hospital and fast!" Avalon said and the Aussie nodded. 'We're too late....or are we?' Kat thought with a bitterness growing in her.

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