Chapter 9~ From Witch To Power Ranger Part 3

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(If anyone could possibly draw(or find) Avalon in her Ninjetti Ranger outfit, Zeo and Turbo outfits, that could help a whole lot. I wish I could, but my drawing skills are not there. The credits for the picture above go the original creator)

Back on Phaedos, the rangers all stood there, looking at the monolith. "It's time." Tommy said  as he and the rangers all started walking down the path to the jungle, towards the monolith. They started walking through the jungle, noticing how big and wide it was. "Man, this jungle goes on forever." Billy noted as they walked further and further into the jungle. "We have to keep moving, Zordon's time is running out." Avalon said from behind Tommy as they passed by a large tree. Avalon looked around as the passed by a lot of skeletons of creatures and she felt weirded out by this. "Welcome, to Jurassic Park!" Adam joked and Kimberly and Avalon looked at each other, rolling their eyes. "Very funny, Adam." Kimberly sassed her friend before gasping as Billy jumped out of the way as a skeleton came to life and attacked them. The creature then attacked Aisha, before knocking Rocky out of the way and then Adam jumped under it and the creature went after Kimberly and Avalon, cornering them in a skeleton rib cage. "TOMMY!" Both girls yelled out as they kicked the creature away. 

Tommy ran over and started hitting the creature with a stick before having it chase him. Tommy ran up a tree and then flipped onto the creature's back, trying to take control of it. "Yo! Fossil head! I got a bone to pick with you!" Tommy yelled out as he pulled out part of a bone and the head come off then the body, with Tommy still on it, fell apart. "Tommy!" Avalon called to her boyfriend, running over and helping him up. "Looks like biology finally paid off for you, huh." Billy joked as the team shared a laugh before heading on their way to the monolith. The sky was getting darker as the team finally arrived at the entrance to the monolith. "Wait here." Tommy said as he walked forward and lightly touched the statue in the door before turning around to look at the group when it suddenly came to life and attacked him. "Tommy!" Avalon yelled out as Tommy managed to jump away from the guards. "What now?" Kimberly asked and Tommy looked at his friends before taking a deep breath. "Ninjetti! Falcon!" "The Frog!" "The Ape!" "The Crane!" "The Snow Leopard!" "The Wolf!" "The Bear!" All seven of them yelled out their spirit animal names before fighting off the guards. 

Rocky and Adam tag-teamed against one of the guards before going to help Aisha. One of the other guards had cornered Avalon who was trying to push a boulder to crush the guard. "Hang on, Avalon!" Tommy called as he swung on a vine over to her. "Great, Tarzan to the rescue." Avalon huffed out the joke as Tommy kicked the guard away. "They're strong, but not too smart. Help me push!" Tommy said and Avalon nodded, helping Tommy to push the boulder to fall on the guard, bring other rocks with it. Kimberly and Billy then swung from vines, knocking the last guard as Tommy performed the Ninjetti Corkscrew Kick and managed to kick the guard into the wall where it shattered into pieces. The ground started shaking as the sky darkened before the door opened and a pyramid of sorts slid out, in the center were all seven spirit animals in a circle. "Great Power." Aisha said in awe. "The sacred animals." Billy also spoke up, also in shock too. The seven animals, in a weird glowing light, emerged from the circle and flew around the rangers who looked at them in awe and smiled. "New zords!" Rocky spoke and Avalon smiled as the Snow Leopard, similar to her patronus, circled around her before going into her symbol on her chest.

With a flash of light, the six, now seven rangers all had their original attire back but with some changes. "We did it!" "Our morphers are back online!" "We got the power!" "Hang on Zordon, we're on our way!" The seven rangers took off from Phaedos as they flew away, the owl that had once been Dulcea, watched and mentally wished them luck. "Especially you, Avalon. With your magic and this new power, that mad man will not stand a chance against you." Dulcea said as she flew off. The rangers flew back to Earth and landed right in the middle of a disaster that was once a busy road. "Oh man!" Avalon looked around in horror, hoping that Moony, Dudley, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon were alright. "This is Ivan's handiwork." "Let's get back to the Command Center...wait...what was that?" Avalon turned and saw a robotic bug coming their way. "I think we're about to find out...Look!" Avalon and Aisha pointed at the creature. "Whoa! What is that thing?" Kimberly asked in horror. "Guess Ivan's been busy since we were away." Tommy guessed as the creature shot a laser from its tail and set fire to something nearby. Avalon and the rangers turned around to see another one, even uglier in Kimberly opinion, come to them.

From Witch to Power Ranger~Mighty Morphin Power Rangers x Harry Potter CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now