Turn Back Time

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"I will always have a cross to wear, but the bolt reminds me I was there. So, give me strength to face this test of mine." - Aqua: 'Turn Back Time' (Aquarium) [1997]


The Powell Estate
South London
United Kingdom

A pair of brown eyes snaps open at the sound of an alarm clock loudly blaring off in the distance, breaking the tranquil peace and quiet of the morning air.

 The noise is abruptly cut off, and a young brunette girl sits up in bed, yawning and looking altogether groggy and displeased about being woken up at this early hour

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The noise is abruptly cut off, and a young brunette girl sits up in bed, yawning and looking altogether groggy and displeased about being woken up at this early hour. She throws aside her duvet and pads towards her bedroom window, pushing aside her heavy drapes to let in the light and feel the morning breeze on her hot and slightly flushed skin.

A loud knock on her bedroom door causes her to jump in slight surprise.

"Katy! C'mon, move your arse! We're gonna be late!" Another girl's voice shouts to her from behind the door.

She makes a face.

"Charming, Rose."

Caitlin Tyler, or Katy as she prefers to be called by her friends and family, shouts back at her sister, grumpily. She was never really a morning person, and she seriously needed some tea. Yawning again, Katy pads towards her bedroom door and walks out to the corridor towards the bathroom to relieve herself and brush her teeth.

Ten minutes later, Katy emerges from her bedroom; dressed in a pair of tight blue jeans, a purple paisley blouse and a pair of beat-up converse sneakers. Her long, light brown hair had been combed up into a high ponytail, and a simple but pretty silver locket in the shape of a heart, dangled from around her neck. It was the only possession she owned from before she was adopted by the Tylers as an abandoned newborn baby. She had been found with it, and she kept it with her always.

Rose, her older adoptive sister, barrels out of her room dressed for another shift at her job as a shopgirl, nearly colliding with Katy as she went. Both sisters pick up their wallets, keys, phone and backpacks, and Katy shrugs on her denim jacket as she watches Rose approach and kiss their mother, Jackie, goodbye.


Rose smiles at Jackie before heading for the front door and disappears out of it without a glance at her sister. Katy rolls her eyes and approaches Jackie, giving her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Have a good day, mum!"

"See you later!" Jackie chirped; her eyes still glued to the Telly as she takes another sip from her mug of tea while lounging on the settee in her baby pink dressing gown.


Central London
United Kingdom

Katy had to jog to catch up to Rose so they could take the same bus to Central London. Katy to the Library to study for her classes, and Rose to Henricks.

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