Search Party

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"They're gonna be out looking for us all night, and they've got a search party with their big flashlights. And they're searching high, searching low, searching super wide." – Sam Bruno: 'Search Party' (I am Sam, Pt. 1 [2017])


The Console Room

Katy was sitting cross-legged on the jump seat, reading from the GREAT HOUSES OF GALLIFREY book the TARDIS had let her borrow, back when she was only just learning that she was a Time Lady. The contents of the book were fascinating, and she did admit that some of what she was reading was familiar, but she nonetheless still required a little help with the knowledge. She was so absorbed in what she was diligently reading to notice when the Doctor came into the Console Room, looking for her to see where she wanted to go on their next adventure; having failed getting anything out of Rose who was still in mourning for Pete.

"Good book?" the Doctor questioned casually, smiling at her from the top step of the stairs leading down to the lower corridors of the TARDIS. Katy had barely flinched when she had heard him speak; possibly a Time Lord thing of having exceptional hearing: she'd heard him coming. The latest ability that seemed to have seeped out of her locket around her neck.

"Very," Katy looked up at him and smiled pleasantly. The Doctor nodded, walking towards her, and leaning against the console in front of her with his arms crossed casually across his chest.

"So, I can presume that means you're ready to talk?" the Doctor guessed, and Katy nodded; marking her place in the book with her finger and settling the book comfortably on her lap, giving him her undivided attention.

"Presume away."

"Cheeky," The Doctor lightly scolded, before redirecting her attention back to the book. "What have you learned so far?" He asked, deciding to use the book as a guide to how much he should tell her about their heritage by what she tells him.

"I'm re-reading actually," Katy admitted, and the Doctor looked impressed. "There's one part that I'm curious about." She stated.

"Which part?"

"The names of all the 'Great Houses' and the fact that each Time Lord came from one." Katy replied and studied the Doctor curiously. "Which house did you come from, Doctor?" She wondered, and the Doctor frowned and came over, taking a seat beside Katy and taking the book from her to flip to the correct page. He handed it back to her, and Katy peered down at the name of the Great House the Doctor had stopped at. "House of Lungbarrow." Katy read out loud. "One of the senior Prydonian Houses of Gallifrey, formed in the wake of the intuitive Revelation.' Huh, so you're a Lungbarrovian. What was it like growing up there?" Katy asked, interested in learning what the Doctor's childhood was like, compared to what she knew of hers and Rose's. The Doctor made a face, which told Katy straight away that it probably wasn't much of one.

"The House of Lungbarrow was once a noble house of wealth and privilege, and one of the five ruling houses. But in later centuries it became stagnant and only produced petty servants and clerks." The Doctor explained, and Katy's eyebrow rose.

"You were a servant?" Katy was surprised, considering how aristocratic, pompous, and elegant he sometimes acted when he was being particularly serious and trying to get his point across to the Big Bad they were facing off with.

"Of course not," He scoffed. 

Katy nodded and set aside the book.

"I wonder what house I was loomed from," She pondered, and the Doctor hummed, making Katy look over at him questioningly.

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