Far From Over

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"Wait, I know it's not too late. Even though the innocence is scarred. There's still tomorrow (what if I could see). I could just escape. Close my eyes and dream about, a sentimental vision. A vision I could feel." - Rev Theory: 'Far from Over' (Light it Up [2008])


The Briefing Room
10 Downing Street
Central London

The Doctor and the other alien experts are under the effects of dangerous electric currents. However, the Doctor manages to reach up and rip off his ID card. The gleeful expressions on Green and the other Slitheen instantly drop and turn into looks of horror. The Doctor's face was hard, angry and full of determination.

"Deadly to humans, maybe." He thrusts the ID card against the collar of the revealed Slitheen, and the electric current envelops it and Green, causing them to convulse painfully. The Doctor uses this opportunity to escape from the room.


The Cabinet Room

At the same moment that the Doctor uses the electrified ID card on the Slitheen he was face-to-face with, the electric current seemed to be having the same effect on Margaret as well. Rose sees the opportunity like the Doctor did and immediately seizes Katy's hand, pulling her towards the door.

"Go! Run!" She urges, making a run for it, with Harriet following both girls swiftly.


The Tyler's Flat

Likewise, Jackie was watching the Slitheen she was trapped with starting to convulse underneath the same electric current that was incapacitating the others. But unlike Katy and Rose, and the Doctor who were able to get out of there safely; Jackie was still trapped and in immediate danger. But then help, in the form of Mickey came rushing into the flat, and copped an eyeful of the very large, puke green alien suffering under the effects of electricity.

"Jackie!" Mickey yells, grabbing her attention.

He reaches for a nearby chair and smashes it across the back of the alien, then grabs Jackie's hand and pulls her out of the kitchen. Jackie keeps running out of the flat, but Mickey stops for a moment in the kitchen doorway to snap a picture of the convulsing Slitheen with his phone, before running after Jackie.


The Entrance Hall

The Doctor runs full pelt into a group of armed police, who become alert when he runs into the room.

"Oi! If you want aliens, you've got them." The Doctor announces. "They're inside Downing Street. Come on!" He turns and runs back the way he came from, with the armed police officers running after him.


The Briefing Room

Green manages to pull off the ID card the Doctor had slapped onto 'Asquith's' collar, and the electricity stops.

"Reinstate my disguise. Hurry up! Hurry! Hurry!" 'Asquith' orders frantically, and Green helps his fellow Slitheen shimmy back inside the General's skin suit.



Katy, Rose and Harriet are fleeing for their lives with Margaret the Slitheen chasing after them in a fury. They are about halfway down the corridor when Harriet stops, realising something crucial.

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