What Goes Around ... Comes Around

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"Is this the way it's really going down? Is this how we say goodbye? Should have known better when you came around, that you were gonna make me cry. It's breaking my heart to watch you run around, 'Cause I know that you're living a lie." - Justin Timberlake: 'What Goes Around ... Comes Around' (FutureSex/LoveSounds [2006])


Irritated by Margaret staring at her every few seconds just to prove a point, Katy headed for the double doors of the TARDIS.

'Fuck this...'

"Where're you going?" The Doctor calls out, from right behind her. Katy pauses and turns towards him, noting the concerned frown on the Doctor's face.

She gives him a tight smile.

"It's a little crowded in here, I'm just going to get some air." She tells him, briefly glancing at Margaret before pulling open the door and leaving the TARDIS.


Roald Dahl Plass

Hugging herself against the cold night air, Katy wondered a little way away from the TARDIS towards the water tower, where she perched against the fence and just looks at the water feature, wishing she knew how to make sense of her life now. There wasn't anybody she could really talk to about the fact that she was a 'dormant' Time Lady, or the fact that she had growing feelings for the Doctor that she was hesitant to act upon.

Sighing in frustration, Katy kicked at a loose pebble on the ground and stared up at the stars that she had travelled amongst so many times these past few months.

"I don't blame you."

Katy turned and looked over to see a sullen-faced Mickey had come out of the TARDIS to come and join her.

"Pardon?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him. Mickey walked over and leant against the fence beside Katy with his hands buried inside his pockets, a frown on his face.

"I don't blame you for coming out here. It's just weird in that box." He elaborated, and Katy sighed again, her irritation increasing because of Mickey's attitude.

"Mick, the only reason why you think the TARDIS is 'weird' is because you haven't been on any adventure with the Doctor. You'd change your opinion if you went on one." Katy pointed out to him, and Mickey immediately shook his head at the idea.

"Forget it."

"Your loss," Katy mumbled and started picking at her cuticles, causing Mickey to frown when he noticed this. Katy only started doing that when something was really bugging her, or when she was nervous or agitated about something.

"Why did you come out here?" Mickey asked, concerned.

"For a lot of little things that you won't even try to understand, Mick." Katy clarified, bluntly.

"Oh, yeah? Why don't you try me?" He challenged her, and Katy just looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You can barely handle knowing that aliens are real, and that Rose and I have been travelling around with one who can barely stand you." Katy didn't bother sugar-coating it. "Why should I tell you anything?"

"Because I'm your best friend. And nothing has ever stopped you from telling me things before?" Mickey was stubborn and Katy smiled a little.

"Fine. But you asked for it. Because the only reason I hadn't told you before now is because of your dislike for the Doctor and what he is." Mickey paused for a few moments, before apparently coming to a conclusion.

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