One Way or Another

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"One way, or another, I'm gonna find ya, I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya. One way, or another, I'm gonna win ya. I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya." - Blondie: 'One Way or Another' (Parallel Lines [1978])


Jack's Spaceship

Rose stirs from her sleep, registering the spaceship bunk she was reclining on, and slowly swivels round and gets to her feet. She is approached by Jack who gives her a pleasant smile.

"Better now?" He asks, politely.

"You got lights in here?" Rose asks, and Jack turns on the lights. It reveals a small, cramped spaceship with bundles of wires hanging from the ceiling.

"Hello." Jack greets Rose, who smiles awkwardly at him.

"Hello," Rose replies back with a small wave.

"Hello." Jack smirks, and Rose points at him with her free hand as she takes a cautious step towards him.

"Let's not start that again." She asks, and Jack nods in agreement.


"So, who're you supposed to be, then?" Rose inquires, looking around the obviously futuristic spaceship she had somehow been brought into by the admittedly handsome stranger she was currently talking to.

"Captain Jack Harkness," Jack responds with an accommodating grin. "One Three Three Squadron, Royal Air Force. American volunteer." He hands Rose his ID card, which she briefly scans and looks up at him pointedly.

"Liar. This is psychic paper," Jack blinks at her in surprise. "It tells me whatever you want it to tell me."

"How do you know?" Jack raises an eyebrow at her.

"Two things," Rose replies, counting off on her fingers. "One, I have a friend who uses this all the time."

"Ah," Jack acknowledged.

"And two, you just handed me a piece of paper telling me you're single and you work out." Rose stated, smirking at him flirtatiously. Jack chuckles, caught out, but surprisingly not completely upset that he had been.

"Tricky thing, psychic paper." He states, slyly.

"Yeah. Can't let your mind wander when you're handing it over." Rose points out as she hands it back to Jack. He accepts it and starts looking it over.

He grins mischievously.

"Oh, you sort of have a boyfriend called Mickey Smith, but you consider yourself to be footloose and fancy free." Jack reads from the psychic paper, looking at Rose with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" Rose flushes in embarrassment.

"Actually, the word you use is available." Jack continues teasing.

"No way." Rose denies.

"And another one, very." Jack dodges Rose when she attempts to take the psychic paper from him.

"Shall we try and get along without the psychic paper?" Rose suggests, and the teasing smirk falls from Jack's face almost immediately, as he gets down to brass tacks.

"That would be better, wouldn't it?" He agrees, suddenly becoming serious. Not that Rose notices, as she is too busy rubbernecking around the spaceship.

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