On Top of the World

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"I've tried to cut these corners. Try to take the easy way out. I kept on falling short of something. I coulda gave up then, but then again, I couldn't have 'cause I've travelled all this way for something."- Imagine Dragons: 'On Top of the World' (Night Visions [2012])


The Tyler's Kitchen

The minute they walked into the kitchen, Mickey started ranting, uncaring that there was a whole room of nosey neighbours and family friends next door who could probably hear everything that he was saying. Rose was leaning against the counter, looking ashamed, while Katy was leaning against the counter near the mug cupboard, looking awkward and like she wanted to be anywhere else but near this one-sided domestic spat between a boyfriend and girlfriend.

"You disappear, with Katy, who do they turn to? Your boyfriend!" Mickey spat angrily. "Five times I was taken in for questioning. Five times. No evidence. 'Course, there couldn't be, could there?" Rose looks down at her feet, biting her top lip. "And then I get her," Mickey points out at Jackie who was hovering nearby, obviously eavesdropping on the conversation because it had something to do with the Doctor. "Your mother, whispering around the estate, pointing the finger. Stuff through my letterbox, and all 'cos of you."

Mickey was practically fuming.

This was obviously a long time coming.

"I didn't think I'd be gone so long," Rose replied sounding meek.

"And I waited for you, Rose. Twelve months, waiting for you, Katy and the Doctor to come back." Mickey continued ranting, before Rose's head shot up and she scowled at him when something occurred to her.

"Hang on, why are you just going off at me? Katy was missing for a whole year too!" Rose pointed out, earning a look of outrage from her sister.

"Hey! Don't bring me into this! He's your boyfriend!" Katy protested.

"Yeah, and he's your best friend. Doesn't that make any difference?" Rose retorts, obviously not wanting to be the only person stuck in the doghouse with Mickey. Then Jackie suddenly chimes in, having heard the last thing Mickey had said, and was glowering at him accusingly.

"Hold up. You knew about the Doctor? Why didn't you tell me?" Jackie questioned Mickey, who realises the serving hatch was open, and promptly closes it on Jackie and turns back to the girls.

"Yeah, yeah. Why not, Rose? Huh?" Mickey continued, ignoring her question about Katy, which the girl was grateful for. "How could I tell her where you went?" He demanded. But Jackie comes into the kitchen, still demanding answers from Mickey.

"Tell me now," She orders Mickey, who deflates a little before remembering why Jackie was asking him this question and aiming his hurt glare at Rose.

"I might as well, 'cos you're stuck here." Mickey points out, aiming to hurt his girlfriend. Katy's eyes widen when she cottons on to what Mickey meant, and she goes to the window that overlooks the courtyard and reacts in horror when she sees that the TARDIS is no longer where she was standing in the courtyard. "The Doctor's gone. Just now. That box thing just faded away." Mickey's words resonate in Katy's head, and she immediately scowls in anger.

"Oh, that sneaky, lying son-of-a-bitch!" Katy seethes, as Rose looks at Mickey blankly, having not caught on as quickly as Katy did.

"What do you mean?" She asks, suddenly very quiet.

"He's left you. Some boyfriend he turned out to be." Mickey explained, sounding rather smug. Katy then promptly rushes out of the flat, with Rose rushing after her.

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