We Are the Champions

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"But it's been no bed of roses. No pleasure cruise. I consider it a challenge before the human race, and I ain't gonna lose." - Queen: 'We Are the Champions' (News of the World [1977])


The Doctor kept to himself, checking out Jack's ship, while Rose and Katy stayed by Jack to interrogate him about his life story. Part of Jack was preening like a peacock at the idea of two beautiful girls asking questions about himself, but the other half wanted to keep it to himself out of shame.

"So, you used to be a Time Agent now you're trying to con them?" Rose confirms what she had already learned from Jack, from when he assumed that she was one. Jack nods but looks slightly ashamed by his past behaviour.

"If it makes me sound any better, it's not for the money." He explains. Katy takes a seat beside him and leans in.

"Then why are you doing it?" Katy was curious.

"Woke up one day when I was still working for them, found they'd stolen two years of my memories." His eyes darkened with anger. "I'd like them back."

"They stole your memories?" Rose sounded appalled.

"That's horrible." Katy felt outraged on his behalf. Jack nodded appreciatively at both girls.

"Two years of my life. No idea what I did. Your friend over there doesn't trust me." Both Katy and Rose glanced over at the Doctor, who was observing the three of them with cautious and suspicious eyes. "And for all I know, he's right not to." Katy and Rose nodded at him, sympathetically, but also on guard now that they knew that Jack had a potentially dangerous past that he had no idea about. They had their safety to worry about. "Okay, we're good to go. Crash site?"

"Lead on, MacDuff." Katy quoted, earning a strange look from Rose, but amused looks from both the Doctor and Jack.


Limehouse Green

Jack teleports them to a nearby deserted alleyway, before personally escorting them towards the crash site on Limehouse Green.

"There it is," Jack points out the already familiar - to Katy and the Doctor - crash site. As they approach the barricades, Jack lights up when he spots one of the officers on duty. "Hey, they've got Algy on duty. It must be important." Jack muses, thoughtfully.

"We've got to get past him." The Doctor stated.

Rose straightens up, drawing attention towards herself from her sister, Jack and the Doctor, who look at her quizzically.

"Are the words 'distract the guard' headed in our direction?" Rose indicates to Katy and herself before whispering to her sister. "I got this," earning a roll of the eyes from Katy, who gestures sarcastically and folds her arms, ready to observe Rose flirt with the unsuspecting guard. However, Jack sticks out an arm, stopping Rose from walking any further.

"Actually, I don't think that'd be such a good idea." Jack points out, and Rose looks mildly offended by Jack's supposed lack of faith in her flirting abilities.

"Don't worry, I can handle it." She goes to shove past him, but Jack remains firm.

"I've got to know Algy quite well since I've been in town. Trust me, you're not his type." Rose's eyes widen in shock, while Katy tries to smother a giggle behind her hand. "I'll distract him. Don't wait up." Jack winks at the three of them, before sauntering off towards the barricades.

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