Don't Give Up, Never Give Up

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"Now we're breaking away, from what holds us down. This could be the day, that brings out the light. Now we're marching on, with the will of never giving up. This time we'll have won, without a fight." - Eagle-Eye Cherry: 'Don't Give Up' (Sub Rosa [2003])


Entrance Lobby
Downing Street

The Slitheen Family stumble as though all of them had had the rug pulled out from underneath them. Something was very wrong, and unfortunately, they had a feeling what they were all sensing right now was only about to get worse.

"He's dead," Asquith told his brother, Green, sorrowfully. "Sip Fel Fotch Pasameer-Day-Slitheen is dead."

"I felt it," Green acknowledged; shocked that his brother had been outwitted by an inferior human. He looked at his brother quizzically. "How could that happen?"

"Somebody must have got lucky." Asquith guessed, a dark look passing over his face and Green's. Those somebodies were going to pay for murdering their brother.

"That's the last piece of luck anyone on this rock will ever have." Green declares. It was time to move into the last phase of their plan. They head outside to address the media with the promised broadcast. "Ladies and gentlemen, nations of the world, humankind. The greatest experts in extra-terrestrial events came here tonight. They gathered in the common cause, but the news I bring you now is grave indeed. The experts are dead, murdered right in front of me by alien hands. Peoples of the Earth, heed my words. These visitors do not come in peace..."


Cabinet Room

"Listen to this." Mickey suddenly speaks up, cutting off the mini celebration the Doctor, Katy, Rose and Harriet were having, after saving Jackie and Mickey from being slaughtered by the Slitheen. The four of them gather around the speaker in the middle of the table, just as Mickey holds up his phone in front of the Telly so they can hear Green's broadcast. "Our inspectors have searched the sky above our heads, and they have found massive weapons of destruction. Capable of being deployed within forty-five seconds." Green states, solemnly.

"What?" the Doctor yelled in disbelief.

"Our technicians can baffle the alien probes, but not for long. We are facing extinction, unless we strike first." Green continues his speech. "The United Kingdom stands directly beneath the belly of the mother ship. I beg of the United Nations, pass an emergency resolution. Give us the access codes. A nuclear strike at the heart of the beast is our only chance of survival. Because from this moment on it is my solemn duty to inform you, planet Earth is at war." Green finishes his speech with what is assumed to be a 'heavy heart'.


"I call bullshit." Katy scoffs, and the Doctor nods his head in agreement, still obviously mystified by what he had just heard Green falsely announcing to the world.

"He's making it up. There's no weapons up there, there's no threat. He just invented it." He reassures the three women trapped in the room with him.

"Do you think they'll believe him?" Harriet wondered.

"They did last time." Rose pointed out.

"That's why the Slitheen went for spectacle." The Doctor explains Green's actions. "They want the whole world panicking, because you lot, you get scared, you lash out-"

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