It Is What It Is

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"I was only looking for a shortcut home. But it's complicated, So complicated."
- Lifehouse: 'It Is What It Is' (Smoke & Mirrors [2010])


Somewhere in the Time Vortex

Katy and Rose were clinging for dear life to the TARDIS console due to a particularly jerky flight, while the Doctor attempted to navigate her through what seemed like a turbulent time stream, with some help from the sisters. However, Katy privately reckoned it was just the Doctor's driving that was turbulent.

"Hold that one down!" The Doctor shouts at Rose to press down on a button on the console that was just out of her reach.

"I'm holding this one down." Rose replied, indicating to the lever she was struggling to hold onto.

"Well, hold them both down." The Doctor snapped, impatiently. Rose attempts to stretch across half the console to reach the button the Doctor was indicating while keeping the lever in her hand down. It was just beyond her reach, like Katy predicted.

"It's not going to work."

"I got it!" Katy shouted over the loud noises the TARDIS was creating and pressed down firmly on the button the Doctor wanted. Rose smiled gratefully at her sister.

"I promised both of you a time machine and that's what you're getting," the Doctor stated, grinning from ear to ear in his enthusiasm. "Now, you've seen the future, let's take a look at the past." Katy's face lit up with excitement. Perhaps this was her chance to see history come alive in person. This was even better than going on placement for university; not that she'd be able to exactly tell anybody about all this. They'd likely have her sectioned the moment she opened her mouth and even mentioned anything remotely impossible. "1860," the Doctor suggested. "How does 1860 sound?" He questioned them, and Katy's face fell a little as she delved into her thoughts trying to think of what exactly they'd find in the year 1860.

"What happened in 1860?" Rose asked, curiously.

"Does it matter? This is what this whole trip in a time machine is all about, Rose. Finding out!" Katy explained, excitedly.

"Exactly. So, let's find out." The Doctor agreed. "Hold on, here we go!" He throws another lever, nearly sending the girls to the floor in an undignified heap.


The TARDIS finally lands at their unknown destination. But unfortunately, that last violent jerk she made had sent all three of her passengers to the metal grating, in a rough landing.

"Ow!" Katy winced, rubbing her elbow where she had landed on it.

"Blimey!" Rose exclaimed, sitting up and turning to help Katy to her feet, as she got to her own.

"You're telling me. Are you both alright?" The Doctor asked, as he made a couple of adjustments, so the TARDIS didn't suddenly go flying off somewhere while the three of them were out exploring wherever they had ended up.

"A little bruised, but nothing serious." Katy responded.

"Nothing broken," Rose chimed in. "Did we make it? Where are we?" She asked, coming around to stare at the viewing screen the Doctor had mounted on the console, curiously. The Doctor grinned proudly. Obviously pleased about something.

"I did it. Give the man a medal." He praised himself, earning twin eye rolls from the sisters for his prideful boasting. "Earth, Naples, December 24th, 1860." He announced, and Katy groaned a little. She never did like the cold. But beggars can't be choosers; she'd put up with anything for a chance of seeing history in person.

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