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Your sat in the medical room. The doctors are checking you for burns.

"would you mind just lifting up your race shirt so i can check if you have any severe burns on your stomach?"

Y/N nods as you slowly lifts up your shirt revealing a big burn on your left side just below your ribs. You look at the doctor and see that she has a concerned look plastered across her face.

"how bad does it hurt on a scale of 1 to 10?" she asks in a sweet tone

Y/N replies. "it's only at a 3 i think ill be fine."  The doctor nods and she says "do you mind staying here for 10-15 minutes just so i can see if anything changes?" You just nod in response.

5 minutes later you get the news about the podium. The results are Charles P1, Lando P2 and Lewis P3. Your sat scrolling through Instagram when you hear the door open. You look up and see Lando. "What are you doing here i thought you would be on the podium celebrating" you ask confused. Lando smiles as he walks over and sits next to you. "I would rather check up on you." 

Y/N smiles and says "thats cute lando but i-"  Lando cuts you off  "just listen. i want to apologise for crashing into you. It was a stupid mistake and i couldn't slow down in time. I just wanted to make sure you were okay and that you had no severe injuries"

Y/N smiles at his comment. "i'm okay just a small burn on my left side but i really appreciate you coming to apologise." Lando nods and smiles. "You should go celebrate." you say as you gently push him towards the door. Lando nods and asks "see you at the driver party later?"  Y/N nods and goes back to scrolling through your instagram. You post an update to your story describing your injuries and that your doing fine.

After all the interviews you make your way towards your taxi. You sit down in the back seat and wait for him to start the car. The driver drives you back to your flat.

//Time skip to 2 hours before the party.\\

You have just finished curling your hair and are now putting on your dress. You thought it would be a good idea to surprise the drivers with your outfit. You put on some black comfy heels and grab your house keys, phone, purse and your ID. It is now 1 hour before the partyy officially starts so you walk down the stairs. You begin to walk to the club where the party is being held. Once you have arrived you begin to walk towards the door. All the drivers are inside already. You walk in wearing a navy blue dress that shows of all your curves and body features; this instantly grabs all the drivers attention. You walk over to them with a smile on your face.

Lewis asks "Y/N how are you i heard about the crash." I smile and address all the drivers, "so you all know i am doing fine, The doctor said its just a small burn and that it should heal up in 2-3 weeks." All the drivers nod and Lando hands you a drink. "Thank you Lando" Y/N begins to talk and laugh all through the night. You congratulate all the drivers that placed on the podium.

"Could i have a dance with you?" Lando asks offering a hand. You were beginning to see a new side to Lando. A side you never thought you would see.

"Id love to dance with you Lando" You say as you place your glass down and gently take his hand. You and Lando make your way to the dance floor. He moves his hands to your waist and gently but firmly holds you close to him. You wrap your arms around him and begin to dance the night away. The night slowly comes to an end and lando offers to walk you home.

You smile "i would love that Lando"

《Rivals to Lovers》Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now