The Run

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You had just left your house for your run and were now down the street. You had your headphones in meaning you were completely unaware of what was going on around you. As you run you hum to the tune of the song. It was getting lighter now meaning it was a lot more visible. "What a lovely monday morning." You whisper to yourself as the fresh cold breeze hits your skin. You checked your phone and saw that it was 11am so you decided to stop by your local cafe and grab a coffee. As you walk out of the cafe you bump into someone almost spilling your coffee. Without looking you say angrily. "Watch where your going" Lando smirks to himself. "well hello to you too darling." You feel your cheeks flush bright red as you notice Lando beginning to chuckle. "S-sorry.. i didn't realise it was you.." You say beneath an embarrased tone. "No worries darling my fault. We still on for Wednesday?" He says with a sweet smile and bright eyes. You nod and watch as Lando walks into the cafe. You begin your walk back home with the coffee in your hand and music in your ears. Your music was so loud you could barely hear anything and this almost cost you your life. You were walking across the road when a car comes speeding around the corner. Luckily someone had pulled you out the way just in time. You sat on the floor your head in your hands and your breathing heavy. You had almost died. You look up towards the person that saved you. To no surprise at all it was Lando. Lando kneels beside you. "Maybe you should take those out when your in the streets." He gently removes your airpods and smiles at you. "T..thanks." was all you could say, the shock still running through your body. Lando offers you a hand and when you take it he gently helps you up. He keeps you close for a minute or two keeping eye contact until he looks around you both. "I should go..." You say to Lando still a little panicked. Lando whispers gently. "Y/n i can't possibly allow you to walk alone. Not after what just happened. I wouldn't forgive myself if i did. Please let me walk with you."

You look at his face. He cares. For once in your life a boy cared about you. A boy wanted to make sure you were safe. You nod at him. "You won't take no as an answer will you?" Lando shakes his head a small grin forming. You sigh. "Fine c'mon then." You put your airpods away and turn off your phone. You begin walking slowly as you were still shocked from the incident before. Your mind raced with thoughts: "What if Lando wasn't there? What if the car hadn't braked? What if it hit me? Why did they drive off straight away?" You were collected in your own thoughts until you hear a faint voice. You recognise it. It was Lando which switched you back to reality. "Y/n your very quiet. I was asking if you were ready to go in." You frown and that's when you realise that you had arrived at home and was now stood at your door. "Oh...right yh..." You whisper. "I should go. Be careful next time Y/n it would be a shame to lose you. I wouldn't know what to do." You nod at Lando. "I will. Thank you for saving me." You walk inside and straight past Mason. "Y/n you okay? How was your run?" Mason asks as he watches you walk to your room. You didn't say a word but just looked at him and nodded. You shut the door to your bedroom and lay in bed hoping that today would be erased from your memory forever.

《Rivals to Lovers》Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now