Arrival of your Brother

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Your rocking Oakley in her pushchair as you put Lando on speaker. "hey Lando what's up?" you say whilst putting Oakleys shoes on.

Lando is on the other end of the phone. "Hey i was just wondering if you needed a lift?"
Y/N pauses "uhmm yeah that'd be helpful. What time are you leaving?"

"i've got a few things i need to do but i will meet you at tthe paddock car park in about 30 minutes" You hear him say.

"Sounds good see you soon" You end the call and look up to see Pierre smirking.
"what?" You frown.

Pierre continues to smirk as he teases you "what happened to the rivalry you guys had?"
You roll your eyes. "maybe i just came to my senses and realised Lando was never as bad as i made him out to be. In fact he's heled me with Oakley an awful lot."

"see what did i tell you?" Pierre smiles. You rolll your eyes. You and Pierre talk for the next half hour. He continues to tease you until your phone lights up.
You glance down at the message and slightly smile. "right i'm gonna go. I'll see you tomorrow. Oakley say bye" You smile as Oakley waves and coos.

You push Oakley towards the paddock car park whilst talking with her. You arrive outside Lando's car. He wasn't there yet but you decided it would be quicker if you began folding the pushchair away. You unattach the baby carrier and gently lay it on the concrete. You begin to fold up the pushchair, checking on Oakley every few minutes. You kneeling down playing with her when you hear a charming shout "Y/N how long have you been waiting?"

Y/N smiles "10 minutes. I thought you said you were leaving the interview at 3:30. its 3:45"
Lando chuckles "apologies Y/N but you know me i always say one thing and then i get distracted and do another.

"Oh i know that" You let out a small chuckle as Lando unlocks the car. You strap the baby carrier to one of the backseats making sure it was secure. Meanwhile Lando was sat in the drivers seat choosing a tune to play on the radio. You close the rear door and sit in the passenger seat.

"So what song you thinking of playing?" Y/N smiles whilst looking at him search through songs.
Lando smirks. "Take a guess" Y/N frowns. "i don't know. "

Lando starts the engine and plays 'Last Last' by Burna Boy.

Y/N hides her head in her hands "How did i forget about this song?"
Lando starts singing along whilst he's driving which makes you erupt in laughter. You pull out your phone and start recording him. Every so often he glances over at you and puts hand up to his mouth like he's singing iin a microphone. You stop recording and go straight to your Instagram. You post a photo of Lando.

@ the_best_mount 

Caption~~Lando having a quick vibe at the traffic lights 

CarlosSainz_55: Amazing from all angles😍《The_best_mount》--i know 🤭🤭[Load 308 comments]*4 minutes ago*

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CarlosSainz_55: Amazing from all angles😍
The_best_mount--i know 🤭🤭
[Load 308 comments]
*4 minutes ago*

You laugh as you like some of the comments.
Lando smiles as he looks down at your phone. "How dare you take that awful photo"
Y/N smiles. "Well you shouldn't have made it so easy then"

Lando chuckles shaking his head. He then focuses back on driving. After 10 minutes of singing along to some songs you arrive at your apartment.

"Thank you for the lift Lando. I owe you one" You smile and watch as he takes a step outside of the car.
"Anytime. I'm happy to help" He smiles whilst helping carry the pushchair frame towards your door. You unlock the door and smile at Lando.
"I'll see you at the race tomorrow"

Lando nods and hands you Oakley's bottle. "Don't forget this"
You smile "saving me yet again".
Lando walks back to his car. He smiles back at you before driving off.
You walk in and slump on the sofa.

Around an hour later Mason calls you. "Oi open the door I'm outside"

You yawn "be there in a minute". You walk to the door.

《Rivals to Lovers》Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now