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Y/N is currently changing out of her race suit into some cleaner clothes. You had taken a shower as soon as you got into your room. You check the time and see you don't have interviews for another 20 minutes so you quickly dry your hair. You pick up your sweaty racesuit and your phone. You walk to the laundry room putting the clothes in and turning it on. You meet up with Susie and begin walking to your first interview.

"hello Y/N first of all congrats today amazing progress-" Ted smiles at you. "thank you Ted I tried my best" 
Ted nods. "so how did you feel in the car?"
"we had the pace. Overall the car felt great, good round the corners but like i've mentioned before it's just about when you brake. If you brake at the perfect time you end lap time is estimted to be a good one so i think we just need to focus on finding the points where braking is best." You smile as you give the detailed answer.
Ted nods. "thank you for your time Y/N we'll let you go talk to some other drivers for a bit"
"thank you" You nod and walk towards Lewis. You pat his shoulder. "Watch your mirrors tomorrow" You tease. Lewis chuckles. "i'll make sure to take that under consideration."

You walk to the rest of your interviews until you come to the last joint interview with Max and Carlos. You take a seat.
"welcome you three glad to have you. Let's start off with the incident between you and Y/N" He says looking at Max. Max sighs "it was a simple mistake it wasn't intentional"

You whisper under your breath. "Yet you didn't come to apologise for almost f*cking up my race"
"What did you say?" Max glares at you. You shake your head at him and turn your attention back to the interviewer who had now began asking Carlos about his race. You all answer a few more question and then you leave. You walk to Alpine and goes straight to your team principle.
"Any new on the incident with Max?" You ask crossing your arms.
He nods. "5 second time penalty for not giving warning" You nod "so ive gotta keep within 5 seconds of him. Thanks" You smile and leave his office. Your happier now that Max was serving his punishment.

You grab your brothers' car keys and your phone and purse. You say "goodbye" to everyone and begin walking to Mason's range rover. You see a message from Mason as you sit in the car checking you phone.

(read)*Well done you did so well*

*Thank you the car felt so good*(read)

You put your phone down and start the engine. You turn on the radio to a low volume when you hear a knock on the passenger side window. You roll it down and smile seeing Lando."hey Lando" Lando smiles. "i just thought i would come same well done. You raced really well today." You smile. "Thank you Lando" 
Lando nods and walks to his car. You roll the window back up and drive home. You walk into your apartment to see Mason and Oakley sleeping on the sofa. You chuckle and grab a blanket from the cupboard. You lay it over them gently and walk to the kitchen. You grab a quick snack and take a seat in the armchair. Your scrolling through your tiktok. You repost an edit of you that you come across and comment~In love with this edit <3~

You spend the next 2 hours on your phone. You notice the time is 5pm and you tap Mason's shoulder. "Mason wake up" You whisper. Mason groans which makes you giggle. You say "i'm gonna get an early night" Mason nods and goes back to closing his eyes. You walk into your bedroom where you lay in bed and fall asleep intantly.

《Rivals to Lovers》Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now