They're bonding

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Once you look up you connect eyes with Lando. Your stomach flutters as he walks over.

"Who's this sweetheart?" he says whilst kneeling infront of Oakley. "Her names Oakley" I smile. Lando notices how similar Oakley and Y/N look so he looks at Y/N confused. The question "is she yours?" slips out from between his soft lips.  You laugh and pick Oakleys blanket from the hood of the pushchair whilst shaking my head. "Shes my younger sister" You explain as you hand Oakley her teddy. Lando nods "Ahh that makes sense." 

Oakley starts to fuss so you try to calm her down by rocking her pushchair. Nothing works to calm down and more people start to stare. Y/N gets overwhelmed and a little angry. "Oakley please baby stop crying." She begs her voice irritated. Lando takes Oakley out of her pushchair and rocks her in his arms whilst hushing her. Y/N looks surprised as Oakley begins to quiet down. "How?" Lando smiles at you and whispers."it's my charm" 

Y/N asks Lando to go for a walk with her so she didnt have to disturb Oakleey by moving her from Lando's comfortable, loving arms. Lando agrees as they begin to walk through the central park. The mocha crispy leaves floating down from the trees and wind whistling in your ears. It fellt peaceful. It felt like it was only you three in the world.

Y/N glances over at Lando holding Oakley and a thought instantly travels through her mind~he'd be a good father if he ever got the chance.~

Y/N was snapped from her thought when she heard Lando whisper her name."psst Y/N"

"hmm?"Y/N replies. "I think Oakley might be flat out now" He says slowly placing your sister in her pushchair. He then looks at you and smiles. "Thank you so much for all off your help Lando i honestly think i would have lost it if you weren't there to help. How can i repay you?"
Lando chuckles "your very welcome but there is no need to repay me. i was just helping you out"
Y/N insists."Cmon let me repay you in some way"

Lando thinks for  a moment." how about you come to a party with me tomorrow?"
Y/N nods" sounds like a plan message me when and where" You smile before beginning to walk off. As you reach the gates you turn to look  back at Lando. He was walking away but you couldn't help but admire his style. You say to yourself "No Y/N you and him are meant to bbe rivals dont change that now."

You walk home and after 10 minutes of quiet strolling you arrive at home. Making as littke noise as possible you unlock the door and manouvre the pushchair through. You slowly place Oakley on the couch and prevent her from rolling by shielding the edge of the couch with a pillow. You place the blanket over her and stroke her head as she stirs. Your humming to Oakley and once her stirring had stopped you scrolled through your instagram.

3 hours later you recieve a message from your mum that reads "hey kiddo i won't be able to      make  it back to yours to collect Oakley for another few days so you will have to look after her for a while longer"

You weren't that surprised as she has pulled this stunt before but it still irritates you because it means you can't go out and spend time having fun before having to go to races on weekends. You whisper" looks like your staying with me a little while longer Oaks"

 You message Lando on instagram and say you won't be able to make it to the party tomorrow night. Before you can read Landos message you call your brother Mason. He answers.

"Mason mum's done it again she's left me with Oakley without even dropping of enough supplies for her." You sounded like you were on the verge of tears. Your brother sighs "she cant keep doing this Y/N it's not fair you have to get back to work in 2 days." You respond "I know and i dont know what to do. I'm going to have to bring her to the track Mason because i don't trust leaving her with a stranger."

Mason sighs" Y/N everything will be okay im sure someone from Alpine won't mind watching her." I nod" your right they shouln't mind." Y/N smiles and says "right i'll call you if i have any news" Mason nods and ends the call.

You hear a knock on the door. You stand up and open it. As you open it you see a familiar face.

《Rivals to Lovers》Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now