Media Day

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You wake up before Lando and start changing Oakley ready for the day. You brother calls you whilst your changing Oakley.

"Hello brother" She says putting it on speaker.
"hey i managed to get tickets to this weekends race but i wont see you until tomorrow. but when i see you tomorrow i'll take Oakley off your hands"
Y/N smiles and says relieved. "Oh Mason you're a life saver thank you so much"

"Anytime Y/N i just dont want you to be distracted and worrying about Oakley during one of your most important race weekends"
Mason says.

"okay well thanks again i'll ssee you tomorrow. Love you" You end the call and put Oakleys shoes on. Lando walks out. "who was that?"

You glance back at him "morning sleepy head that was my brother, i got ready early so i was thinking we could go back to yours so that you can change. sound good?"
Lando nods stretching.

You put Oakley in her car seat and put your shoes on.

You grab Oakleys baby bag and her pushchair. Lando helps you take the pushchair downstairs and put it in his car. Lando drives to his house and quickly runs inside. 5 minutes later he comes back out fully changed with a some extra things. He then gets in the car and drives to the track.

"ready for the media?" He asks whilst looking at Oakley through the mirror.

Y/n nods. "as ready as i'll ever be."

After around 15 minutes of driving you pull up to the track. You get out and walk to the back. Lando takes out the pushchair and sets it up. He then puts the baby bag underneath as he watches you take Oakley out. Your attaching Oakleys baby carrier to the pushchair but you can't focus because all you can hear is the fans screaming about you arriving to the paddock with a baby. Lando notices you getting annoyed and helps you.

"just ignore them" he whispers as he helps.
You nod and then start pushing the pushchair towards the paddock entrance. You and Lando are talking. At some times Lando has to push past fans in order to help you. Oakley starts crying from all the shouting. You adjust her blanket and scan your access passes. It gets quieter as you and Lando walk through the paddock so Oakley starts to calm down.

You smile at Lando. "i'll see you after media." You wave as you push Oakley into alpine. You get talking to Pierre whilst waiting for you PR manager to arrive.

Around 20 minutes of talking

Your PR manager walks in. You chuckle and glance over "you took your time ive been waiting to know what my schedule is"
Your PR manager chuckles as well. " apologies got caught up in traffic" She walks over to you. "whos this gorgeous little girl?"

You smile. "This is my baby sister Oakley. Long story short my mum left her with me and hasn't picked her up yet so i had to bring her along. My brother will be here tomorrow to look after her though so no need to worry."

"oh that's terrible" She exchanges a sweet smile.

You rock Oakley whilst asking. "so who is the first press conference with?"
Your PR manager replies ." your first one is with Lando, Carlos, Logan and Lance"

You nod "okay thank you. Pierre you wouldn't mind looking after Oakley until i'm back will you?"
Pierre smiles "not at all. Good luck at your press conference." He chuckles.

You make your way to the opposite side of the paddock. You meet Carlos along the way and you both head towards the press conference together. He asks " i heard about all the fans screaming when they saw your sister. Is she okay now?"

You smile "she's okay now thanks Carlos. But i just know a question about it is going to come up. In fact i have a strong feeling that it will be the main focus and topic of this press conference."

You and Carlos enter the room together. You both take a microphone and sit down, smiling at the other drivers who were already there.

"okay now that we have all the drivers here lets get started shall we?" the interviewer asks.

After Lando. Carlos and Logan have answered a fair share of questions, the focus turns to you.

"Y/N there's a rumor going around that you entered the paddock with a baby this morning. Could you explain that?" The interviewer asks.

You chuckle and reply " i knew this would come up at some point. She's my baby sister and no one could look after her so my only option was to bring her with me today." I smile as the interviewer nods.

The interviewer asks Lance some questions and then the press conference comes to an end.

"Thank you for your time" the interviewer exchanges a sweet smile as you all begin to leave.
You walk back to Alpine with Nico and Lance because theu're motorhomes are slightly past yours.
On the way Lance says
"so is your sister really here with you?"
You chuckle and nod. "yes she is, Pierre's currently taken care of her."
You look at the time. "speaking off Pierre i should go because he has his press conference in 5 minutes."
Nico and Lance say "good bye" whilst you begin to walk towards Alpine.

《Rivals to Lovers》Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now