Making plans

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You are laying in your bed scrolling through Tiktok in your room. You were scrolling for what felt like hours. It is now 11pm and you walk out of your room into the living room where Mason is sat on the sofa. You take a seat next to him covering yourself with a blanket and getting comfy. Mason scrolls through Netflix and eventually puts on a movie. Halfway throught the movie your phone goes off and you adjust yourself to look at it. You see that it is from an unknown number so your slightly confused.
Mason asks. "Who is it?"
You shrug. "It's an unknown number."
Mason takes no note of this and goes back to watching the movie whilst you begin to message the mystery person.

Unknown Number:

As soon as you saw it was Lando a massive smile appeared on your face

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As soon as you saw it was Lando a massive smile appeared on your face. You stand up with your blanket still wrapped around you and begin to walk to your room. Mason frowns. "Where are you going all of a sudden? What;s made you so smiley?" You just shrug smiling. "Just something." You then continue to walk into your room. Mason shouts after you. "I will find out what's making you so smiley."
You sit on your bed and grab your tv remote. You turn Netflix on in the background before unlocking your phone. You begin messaging Lando again.

 You begin messaging Lando again

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You blush intensely

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You blush intensely. You continue to message him for a but longer until it is 1am. Once you realise that it's late you say "goodnight" to Lando and turn off your phone. You put your phone on charge and then turn off your TV and your lamp. You lay down wrapping yourself in your duvet and fall asleep.

You wake up the next morning still in a good mood from the events that occured last night. You walk into Oakley's room and take her out of her crib before walking to the crib. You hear her cooing whilst making her breakfast. You place her in her high chair and sit on a chair opposite her. You feed her still in a bubbly mood.
Mason walks out his room and sits on the sofa watching the news. He shouts over to you. "Still in a good mood Y/n? Maybe you should keep this person close by. He's making you nicer." He jokes.
You throw a hand towel at him and jokingly tell him to "shut up." He chuckles and smiles. "No Y/n honestly i do think you should keep this person."

You smile at him whilst feeding Oakley. "I think i really like him Mase. He makes me really happy." Mason smiles. "Go for it y/n/n."
You decide to tell Mason about last night and how Lando asked you out. However you don't mention Lando's name. Mason smiles at you. "What did i tell you Y/n/n. You just have to be patient. Not everyone finds there soulmate straight away."
You finish feeding Oakley and clean her up. You carry her to her bouncer and strap her in. She instantly starts bouncing and giggling. You walk to your room and change into your running clothes.
You walk out to of your bedroom and say to Mason. "I'm going for a run." He nods and you leave.

《Rivals to Lovers》Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now