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You open the door to see who it was and to your surprise, you lock eyes with Lando.

"What are you doing here I thought you would be getting ready for your party?" Y/N says confused.
Lando looks at you sweetly
" Well as soon as you said you couldn't make it I wanted to know why"

You nod and say "Well I'm a bit preoccupied with things at the moment but you should go to your party and enjoy yourself".

You slowly begin to close the door until a loud cry echoes from the living room behind you. Lando and you exchange glances as he tries peeking past you to see what is making those cries. "Who on earth is that?" Lando says whilst trying to barge past.

Y/N sighs. "Come in." You welcome Lando into your apartment. You then begin leading him to the living room where your baby sister remains.
" this." I say as I motion to her " Is my baby sister Oakley. Remember the one you helped me with?"
Lando nods "but I thought she was going to go back to her mother". You sit down and sigh deeply as you look up at him.

"So my mums decided to leave her with me. No notice. No nothing. She just didn't come back to fetch her."

"So she dumped her on you basically?" he asks in shock
You nod as a reply. You didn't know what to say.
Lando slowly walks over to your crying sister and takes her gently in his arms. He hushes her and sings a lullaby which eventually works.

Y/N smiles "Thank you" She pauses for a moment before saying "your quite the charmer aren't you?"
Lando chuckles as he gets a call. You see his face change. "it's one of the drivers" he says as he looks up.

"You should get to the dinner Lando you can't miss it" Y/n takes  Oakley from his arms.
Lando grabs Oakley's pushchair whilst saying
"Neither can you, you're a driver too."
"but what about Oakley?"
you say. "Oh don't worry about bringing Oakley I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind."

You sigh as you place her in the pushchair "Are you sure?"
Lando says nothing but just nods, having a massive smile on his face as he does so.

You smile and say" Let me change and get Oakley bag prepared"

"I can focus on Oakley's bag you go change" He smiles. You nod and go to change
You just smile and wait as Lando pushes your sister down the hallway. The same thought travels through your mind again:
"He would be a good dad"
You are in your own world walking to the dinner and once you arrive Lando is watching you walk in. He follows pushing Oakley.

All the drivers watch as you both walk. Your body fills with anxiety as you take a seat next to Lewis. "Who's she?"He asks referring to Oakley.
"She's my baby sister, long story short my mum dropped her on me just before I was getting ready"
Lewis looks shocked. " She really dumped her on you?" He glances down at Oakley besides her.
"Thats not right" he pauses. " Shes a beautiful baby though.
Y/N smiles " Thank you Lewis" all the drivers are talking amongst themselves whilst your talking to Lewis. Oakley starts to squirm so you take her in your arms and whisper to her. she eventually starts to lay still. 
Lewis whispers
" May i hold her?"
Y/n nods " of course you can Lew." You gently hand her over to Lewis. You watch as he looks at her his eyes love struck. You hear Lewis mutter "your such a good little girl for your sister"

You begin talking to more drivers and overall just have a great time. You all order a desert  and wait for it to arrive. Once the desert arrives you gently place Oakley in her pushchair beside you. You take a bit of the tiramisu (which you had ordered) on a fork and turn your body to face Oakley. A few of the driver are staring and smiling at you as you gently feed it to Oakley. She makes a cute coo which makes you giggle quietly. As you turn back around you notice some of the drivers admiring you.

"What?" she asks smiling. Charles says in an almost shocked tone "Who knew you were a softie"

This causes Y/N to laugh. " just because im a racer doesn't mean i have a soft side Charles"
Lando comes behind you and whispers in your ear." im gonna go fetch my car from your flat so we dont have to walk." 
You nod and whisper "Such a gentleman" He chuckles and grabs his phone.
He looks among the table "I'll be back in a few minutes" The drivers nod and begin to talk again. The waiters begin to clean your table. You thank them and then check the time. "i should get going it's about time for Oakley to go to sleep. Thank you for being patient with Oakley" You chuckle.
You begin to buckle Oakley up just as Lando enters.  He walks over and places Oakleys blanket over her and pulls the pushchair hood up. You smile and say goodbye to all the drivers. You and Lando walk outside to his car.

《Rivals to Lovers》Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now