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Your jogging towards the motorhome of alpine.

Once you arrive you say to Pierre out of breath" that took longer than expected sorry. How's she been?"

Pierre smiles "it's all good Y/N and she's been a little angel haven't you sweetheart."
You smile at him "thank you so much Pierre i really owe you one but you should get to your press conference."

Pierre walks to the press conference and you ask you PR manager. "so whats the schedule for the rest of the day?"

She smiles whilst holding Oakley. "well its currently 12pm so at around 2pm you and Pierre have a teammate game, But until then your both free."

You nod "thank you" You slowly push Oakley's things into the main cafeteria. You walk back to your PR manager and take Oakley off her hands so that she could get some work done.
"say bye Oakley" You smile as Oakley waves cutely.

You carry Oakley to the cafeteria and sit down in a far corner wuth her on your lap. One of the chefs bring over some food. "Andreaz thank you so much. i'm starving"

Andreaz smiles "anytime Y/N enjoy" He walks back to the kitchen.

Y/N is feeding a bit of food to Oakley when you hears Pierre walk in. You glance over at him and smile as he begins to walk over to you. You go back to feeding Oakley when Pierre sit on a chair opposite you.

"how did the conference go?" you ask him.
Pierre sighs leaning back. "exhausting" he lets out a small chuckle.

You let out a little laugh whilst adjusting Oakley on your knee. "has Brandon(his PR manager) filled you in on the schedule"
Pierre shakes his head "no ive not seen him since earlie this morning"
"Ahh okay well we have teammate games at 2pm so that in.." you check your phone "43 minutes"
Pierre smiles. "thanks for filling me in" he begins to eat his food whilst making small conversations. You put Oakley back into her pushchair and then finish your food.

After about 30 minutes of talking you leave Oakley with Susie(your PR manager) and begin to walk to the location where you and Pierre are doing the teammate games.

You meet Naomi and she explains the first game.
"so Pierre, Y/N lovely to have you here taking part. Have you guys heard of drunk goggles?"
Y/N covers her face "oh my god i've seen Lando and Oscar do this"

Pierre laughs as he takes a pair of goggles from Naomi.  He puts them on "woah this is wierd" He laughs. Y/N also takes a pair and sighs "this is going to be a long game" she laughs.

"okay so i want you to draw a track but it has to be upright when you take the goggles off." Naomi hands you both a marker and leads you to a canvas. She gives you both a card with a track on it.

Y/N takes the card and pull the goggles down. You focus and draw really slowly. Naomi is talking to Pierre whilst your quiet. 

Pierre laughs "my drawing does not look like Hungaroring"
Y/N laughs."i think mine is getting there. Slowly but surely"

Naomi checks the timer." 30 seconds guys. You might want to speed it up"

After 30 seconds Naomi tells you both to take the drunk goggles off.

You and Pierre both take them off and look at each others drawings.
Pierre laughs"Y/N yours is actually really good how is mine that bad"
You laugh" im just better at drawing"

Naomi smiles."well i think it's very clear to see who has one this challenge. Next challenge is the football challenge. So choose who wants to shoot first"

"I will shoot first, Y/N get in that goal" Pierre stands next to the ball. Both Y/N and Pierre pull down their goggles. Pierre kicks the ball. You manage to save it but it was heading for your face.

"Pierre oh my lord you almost took my head off"you laugh as you save the remaining shots.
You stand up and lift the goggles up. Pierre walks off and gives you a quick hug." i'm so sorry" he laughs. 

"it's all good but get in goal so i can kick some balls at you" you let out a cheeky smile.

You take your shots and manage to score onoe. You take off your goggles and smile. "Say hello to your new winner" You do a little dance. "Whoop whoop"

Pierre laughs at you. Naomi takes the goggles "well thank you Pierre and Y/N for taking the time to participate."
You both nod. "your more than welcome" 

You and Pierre begin to walk back to the Alpine motorhome. "i'm better than you at everything." you nudge Pierre.

He just laughs and shakes his head as you both walk through the cafeteria towards both of your PR managers. You take Oakley and give her a big hug. "Ohhh there's my baby girl. Was you good for Susie?"

You smile as she nods. You see Lando calling you. You answer and put it on speaker.

《Rivals to Lovers》Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now