The walk home

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You and Lando are now exiting the club. You begin walking slowly down the street whilst maing little conversations. Y/N shivers a little which grabs Lando's attention.

Without thinking he asks, "are you cold? would you like to wear my jacket?"

You smile at his concern and say sweetly. "that would be really nice. thank you Lando"

He begins to take of his jacket and slowly places it over your shoulders. You-without thinking anything of it- interlock your arms around Landos. This causes him to let out a small smile.

After a few more minutes of walking you wanted to spend more time getting to know Lando so you ask him. "hey before we get back to mine i know a really cosy cafe would you like to go get a latte?" Lando replies in a charming voice."is my rival asking me to get a latte with her? how could i pass down such an awesome opportunity."

Y/N lets out a small chuckle. "So is that a yes?" Lando nods, "it sure is"

Y/N leads the way towards the cafe you was talking about. Along the way Lando makes a few jokes which makes you smile. You began to feel like maybe Lando wasn't so bad after all. Maybe he was as sweet as people make him out to be. Around 10 minutes later you both arrive at the cafe. Lando opens the door for you and says "after you my lady." Hearing him say this makes your cheeks flush with redness as you smie"thanks" . Lando must have noticed this because he lets out a small chuckle after hearing your quiet mumble. He pulls out a chair for you and then sits down himself. Y/N calls over a waiter and asks politely." could we have two caramel lattes please?". You then hand over a £5 note. The waiter nods taking the note and walks into the backroom. Lando looks around. "you were right this is a comfy cafe"

5 minutes later the waiter comes back with your drinks and then leaves again. You and Lando talk for 20 minutes before you check the time. "Oh its quite late i better get going" You say in a panicked voice

Lando replies calmly. "no worries let me walk you." He walks you home and once you arrive he smiles and says "i'll see you next weekend?" You nod and enter your apartment.

You flop onto the bed a bright smile on your face as you whisper to youself. "Maybe Lando isn't so bad"

*the next day your mum has called you asking if it would be possible for you to babysit your baby sister. You agree because it has been a while since you have seen her. Your mum had just dropped her off and said she would be back to pick her up tomorrow morning*

Y/N smiles as she puts her baby sister in her pushchair. "How about we go for ice-cream?" Y/N laughs as Oakley(her sister) nods violently. You crouch down and buckle up her straps. You then place a blanket over her so that she would be warm.

Once you were ready you push the pushchair outside and lock the door behind you."right off we go" Y/N says as she pushes Oakley down the street. Y/N is talking to Oakley a they walk too the Ice-cream parlour. 

Y/N holds out both her hands. She shakes her left hand whilst saying "chocolate" and then shakes her right hand whilst saying "strawberry" Oakley points to your right hand eagerly. You stand up and ask the person behind the counter."could we have two strawberry ice-creams in a tub please?" The cashier smiles and nods, he then walks to the glass panel and starts scooping some ice-cream.

You hand over the money and smile. "Thank you." You then push the pushchair towards a table outside and sit down. You start feeding Oakley."here comes the aeroplane" Once Oakley had finished her ice-cream you start eating yours. You hear someone shout."Y/N?" You glance up and look in the direction of the calm voice.

《Rivals to Lovers》Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now