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You drive your car into the P2 spot. You step out smiling through your helmet happily. You congratulate Max and Lando before Lando leaves for his post race interview. Your drinking your water and then begin your interview. You finish the interview and walk to the cool down room.
You take a seat and smile at Lando taking a sip of your water.
"You fought hard i didn't think I'd place higher than you" You chuckle and look to Lando.
Lando smiles and says "you raced well. You deserve that spot"

Max walks in and you all watch the race highlights. You begin to talk about some overtakes.

"Lewis' overtake was shockingly good. It was so clean" You say whilst watching the overtake. Lando nods and chuckles "yea i was watching my mirrors the entire time Lewis was behind me. If we went longer he would have passed me for sure"

You, Max and Lando then walk up to the podium. Lando walks out first and gives a small wave. Then you and Max do the same. You stand in silence as the Dutch plays followed by the crowd clapping.

You get given your trophies and then pick up your champagne bottles. Lando does his famous champagne spike which knocks Max's trophy of the step. Luckily it didn't smash but you all sray each other with champagne. Max and Lando team up on you and pour the remaining champagne over you. 
You scream slightly and then begin laughing. "oh my god!" Your smiling and laughing whilst wiping the champagne from your eyes. 

10 minutes later:

You have just been in the shower and are now changing. You dry your hair really quickly when you hear a knock on the door.
"one second" You shout over the noise of the hairdryer. You turn off the hairdryer and stand up straight. You walk over to the door and open it. Your eyes meet with your mum.

"m-mum what- what are you doing here?" You say shocked. Your mum just stumbles into your arms. "Hii sweetheart i missed you" Her words are slurred. You close the door and sit her dowm watching her closely. You call Mason repeatedly until he picks up.

"Y/N what is the problem i'm trying to make Oakley some food." Mason sighs, You hear the sound of metal clinking in the background. You take a deep breathe. "Mason it's mum. She's here and i think she's drunk." Mason is shocked. "Y/N what do you mean?"

You hand your mum a bottle of water. "drink it." You say to her in a stern tone. You turn your attention back to Mason on the phone. "I mean she's here and i don't know what to do. I am meant to be celebrating my podium Mase i'm not meant to be looking after mum just because she chooses to come back smashed. I bet she'll just run away again like last time." Your voice is full of pain.

"bring her home Y/N and then you can meet your team at the party later." Mason says with a frustrated tone. You sigh "okay keep the door unlocked." You end the call and begin to pack your things up. You open your room door and take your mum in your arms holding her up with all your strength. Charles walks over. "Hey Y/N need any help?" You shake your head. "just tell the guys i will meet them at the party later on." You walk to your car and help your mum inside. You drive home.

《Rivals to Lovers》Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now