Will this be a new start?

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Once you and Lando had arrived at yours you both headed off to go for a walk. You were making your way down the street when it was beginning to get cold and dark. You held onto to Lando a bit tighter as you noticed the darkness settling in. Lando felt your grip tighten and he looks down at you. He smiles at you and whispers in a sweet gentle tone. "no one will hurt you Y/n i will make sure of that." You smile at him nodding.
You reach a bridge with fresh flowing water beneath. You were still hooking arms with Lando when you both walk a bit slower. Lando is making conversation with you. He kept complimenting you and reminding you that you were beautiful. This always made you smile because he wouldn't let you forget how beautiful you are.

He looks over at you and observes you with a loving look on his face. When he sees goosebumps on your arms he immediately unhooks your arms. You frown at him. "Lando what-" You stop speaking as Lando takes off his jacket. He hands it over to you. You smile and slip your arms into it. "Thank you Lando" You look into his eyes. You wanted to kiss him. The moment just felt right. However before you could do anything Lando had put his arm around your shoulder keeping you close and began walking again.
You thought to yourself:"I just missed my chance"
You were now past the stream and were heading towards the sea shore. As you arrive you walk past the beach staying on the pavement. Lando stops you and points you in the direction of the sea and horizon. He slips his hands to your waist and stands protectively behind you. You lean back into him with a smile on your face listening to Lando's calm breathing. You both look over at the moonlight glistening on the gentle waves.
You whisper. "It looks so pretty." Lando then whispers to you. "not as beautiful as you. " Y/n blushes as she looks up at him. Lando kisses the top of her head and they talk about racing. "You know Y/n i wouldn't have classed you as someone that raced if i had only met you tonight. It's just-" You sigh. You knew what he meant. "Yeah i know i dress differently but racing is my interest. I may like to dress nice and wear cute clothes but at heart i'm a racer and I always will be."  Lando smiled at your enthusiasm for the sport. It interested him how you could be so talented and beautiful.

You hear your phone ringing and look to see it's Mason. You smile at Lando. "it's my brother. I should really get home i bet he's worried and i said i would be back at 11pm" Lando smiles. "That's no problem. I can walk you home if you want. I can't let you walk alone." You nod and hook arms beginning to walk home. You take a different route home, walking through a park full of blosso trees. Lando kept walking until he stopped you.
He takes both of your hands and looks you in your eyes. "Y/n i'm going to be completely honest. Your amazing. I've never met anyone that is as kind, caring and funny as you. You have the best personality and i love being your friend but there is one thing i can't get off my mind and i must ask you. It's okay if you say no i won't be offended but" Lando pauses and takes in a deep breathe. "Will you be my girlfriend?" 
You stare into his eyes. Those 5 words run in your ears before you whisper. "Yes Lando yes." Lando lets out a relieved sigh. "Thank you" He kisses your forehead and hugs you. You take in his scent and he takes in yours. He whispers.  "I love you Y/n." Yn whispers. "I think i love you too Lando."

Lando smiles and takes your hand. "we should get you home i think your brother might be worried" He begins to walk with you.

You both arrive and  you look at Lando. "Thanks for today." 
Lando smiles. "No problem Y/n i enjoyed it. I will message you later and we can try and plan something before the race next week." You smile. "that sounds amazing Lando."
You both stare into each others eyes. Was this the time? Lando leans forward. One minute you can feel his warm breathe on your nose and the next you can feel his gentle soft lips on yours. He pulls away smiling.  "Goodnight Y/n." "Goodnight Lando."
You walk into your house with a huge smile plastered on your face. Mason sees your smile and chuckles. "what's got you in such a happy mood?" You shrug and giggle. "None of your business." You head to your room.

《Rivals to Lovers》Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now