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You arrive at your house and see Mason stood at the door. He helps your mum out the car and takes her inside. You lock your car. You help your mum to the spare bedroom and hand her some pyjamas to change into. You fetch a glass of water from the kitchen and place it on the bedside table alongside some painkillers. You whisper. "goodnight mum."
You walk out and smile at Mason. "I'm going to get changed." He nods and continues feeding Oakley her food. You make your way to your bedroom and take out an elegant black tightfit dress from your wardrobe. You change into it and reapply your makeup. You slip on your heels and walk outside towards the living room. As soon as Mason sees you he smiles brightly. " oh Y/n my gorgeous sister your going to have all those men falling at your feet." You chuckle and do a sassy spin. You walk over to where Oakley and Mason are and you lean on the counter. 
You see Mason point to you. Your confused until you hear him say. "Doesn't our sister look like an ange, Oakley" Oakley giggles. "sissy angel." Hearing this melts your heart. You kiss Oakley's head and gather your things. You say "goodbye." You drive to the club.

You arrive and sit in the car for a bit as you were a little nervous about going in because you hate the attention you would recieve from the older men. After around 5 minutes you take a deep breathe and step out the car. Exactly like you expected, all eyes were on you instantly as you walk to the entrance. You step inside and go straight to where the drivers are, You take a seat and stay quiet not speaking a word. You hear all the boys say "hi" but you just smile. Carlos makes his way over to you. "hey Y/n are you okay you seem more quiet than normal. Also you look beautiful." You smile at him. "Thank you, and yes i'm okay it's just been a tiring day."

You didn't want anyone to know about your mother so you kept it in the dark. Luckily for you Carlos believed that you were just tired. He hands you a glass of champagne to lighten the mood. You thank him and watch as he leaves to go join Lando, Pierre and Max who are all having a good time and dancing away with ciders in their hands. You chuckle as you watch them make a fool of themselves. Lando spots you chuckling and walks over to you, offering out his hand. "may i have this dance my lady" He says with a flirtacious tone. 
You laugh and slowly stand up with Lando's help. Once you stood up, you notice Lando looking you up and down with  sparkle in his eyes. "you look like a princess" He smiles.

A blush spreads across your face as he leads you to the centre of the dance floor. A slow song beginis to play and Lando takes his opportunity. He places his hands on your waist firmly but gently. You move your hands around his neck and lean your head on his chest. You both begin to sway side to side as you take in Lando's scent. You can hear his heartbeat running through her ears. He smiles down at you before returning to the song. 

A couple minutes later the slow song ends and you pull away from his chest. You look up at him and smile. "Your a good dancer Lando." Lando smiles "well thank you Y/n"
You nod and hear a faster song come on. Y/n pulls Lando and starts dancing with him whilst singing along to the tune. Lando watches her in awe.

A few minutes later Y/n gets a bit tired. She gets on her tip toes and whispers in Lando's ear. "I'm going to go get a drink. Would you like one?" Lando nods. He smiles and places his hands on your waist guiding you towards the bar. You smile at Lando and then he orders your drinks.
You take a sip of your martini whilst turning your attention to Lando. "So what made you want to dance with me. I mean there is plenty of prettier girls for you." Lando sighs. He didn't agree with the fact that Y/n couldn't see how  beautiful she is.

"Look Y/n your way better than anyway else here. Not just because of your looks but because your kind and caring." Lando takes your hand in his. "When i first met you... i didn't particularly like you. I think it was just because i was jealous of your talent. But anyway..." Lando pauses and looks you in your eyes. You keep eye contact. Lando continues "Now that I've gotten to know you... the truth is i don't know what i was thinking when i said I hated you because..... because that's a lie Y/n. I don't hate you.."  Lando gets nervous and you notice this. You take his hand and smile at him. "Lando it's okay. I felt the same way but now that I've gotten to know you i don't hate you at all. In fact.... i think I'm falling for you..."

You immediately cover your face looking away. You were embarrassed that you had just said that. You were still looking away until Lando uses his gentle hands to guide your vision to him. "I'm glad you told me Y/n because i fell for you a while back" Lando smiles at you. You just stare at him a little confused. "Wait you did?" Lando nods and edges his face closer to yours. Next thing you know his gentle soft lips are colliding with yours. You felt like you were in heaven.

You pull away smiling like a little child. Lando is smiling as well. He stands up taking your glass and placing it at the bar. He offers his hand. "Maybe we should go for a walk?" He smiles at you his voice of passion. You take his hand and nod as you both make your way out to the street. He sees your car. "Why don't i drive us back to yours. We can drop of your car then go for a walk." You smile. "That sounds lovely." You and Lando walk to your car and get in. He keeps a hand in yours as he drives back to your house.

Once you arrive he locks the car and hands you the keys. You put them in your handbag. Lando holds out his arm. "Shall we my lady?" You chuckle and hook your arm with his. "We shall"

《Rivals to Lovers》Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now