A Car Ride with a Happy Ending

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You carefully put Oakleys seat in the back and secure it. Lando opens the passenger side door for you whilst the words "My lady" escape his soft lips.
You smile and take a seat buckling your seatbelt before peering back at Oakley making sure shes okay.
Lando takes a seat in the drivers seeat and starts the car.
"do you need anything before i drive you home?" He asks sweetly.

You shake your head "no thank you Lando i have everything" You smile
Lando nods and types your apartment location into the sat-nav. You watch the road as he drives off. Throughout the drive you feel his gaze finding you.
You decide to break the silence and look over to Lando.
"did you enjoy tonight?"
Lando releases a beaming smile."I sure did, especially sinice i convincecd you to come"

You smile" i hope my mum takes Oakley back before tomorrow because i don't particularly want to walk through the paddock on media day with a baby alongside me" She lets out a small chuckle.

"Don't worry about it" Lando reassures you. " if someone says anything just explain she's your sister."
You glance towards the back seat. " but what if they ignore me and start rumors. I mean we used to be rivals but now we're spending quite a lot of time together. How do you think that looks to the fans and media?" You say worried.

"I get where your coming from Y/N I really do but if anything like that comes out we will simply address them as a personal statement. I know we used to be rivals but i get the feeling you don't think i'm as bad as you thought. well thats what i hope" Lando says passionately. " i really do hope we can become friends Y/N because i dont like being rivals with such a caring soul."

Y/N blushes and says a little taken back. " i dont want to be rivals either Lando."

Lando takes his eyes off the road for one second and looks at you connecting his ocean blue eyes with yours. " friends?" 
You smile "Friends." You add cheekily "but for the love of god please keep your eyes on the road" Lando laughs at your remark "Oh don't you trust my amazing driving"

"Welllll......" You say teasing him.
Lando pulls a offended face and places one hand on his heart acting hurt.
" wow i'm hurt Y/N."

Y/N smiles. Maybe all this time she wanted to be friends with Lando. Maybe she just pushed it away because she was afraid of him not wanting to be friends with her.
"Y/N...Y/N?" Lando repeats which snaps you out of your thoughts.

"Yh...sorry i was in my own world" she replies yawning.
Lando chuckles " no worries...i was just telling you we have arrived" He switches off the engine and opens his door.
"ahh thanks." You unbuckle yourself and get out the car. You walk to the back and slowly take Oakley (who's in the baby carrier) out of the back seat. You place the baby carrier on the floor and grab your keys out of the baby bag which Lando had kindly took out of the boot alongside the pushchair.
"Thanks for all your help Lando"you say whilst carrying your baby sister up the stairs. Lando follows holding the pushchair.
"it's not a problem im glad to help" he follows you into your apartment and places the pushchair by one of the cabinets near the entrance.

You throw yourself on the sofa tiredly. "What a night" you yawn. You glance over at Lando and notice he looks exhausted. "hey lando"
He glances over at you smiling tiredly "Yeah?"
"would you like to stay the night i have spare room? It's just you look exhausted and i don't want you to drive home if your tired" You say full of care.
Lando smiles "that would be great"  He takes a seat next to you and takes Oakley out of the carrier.

"You really get on with her don't you?" You chuckle as you watch."She's amazing just like her older sister" Lando glances at you smiling before playing with Oakley. He hands Oakley his house keys and she puts them straight in her mouth. You and Lando both laugh. 
2 hours later: You and Lando have been talking and laughing together and your both now getting ready for bed. You put Oakley to bed around an hour ago.

You say to Lando whilst handing him a blanket "Make sure you get plenty of sleep because we have media day tomorrow goodnight" 
"Goodnight" Lando walks into the spare bedroom. You walk into your room and get in bed. After 10 minutes you fall asleep.

《Rivals to Lovers》Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now