12 - Rehabilitation Phase 4: Recovery

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“Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.” Dory, Finding Nemo

I honestly have no idea how long I have been here for. Feels like days. All I’ve done since I was brought here was sleep and sleep and sleep. Nothing else. Chase has been rather accommodating too, keeping me company while Loki would go and do ‘things’. I still don’t know what’s wrong with me either. Tests have been run; I almost flipped out when they brought the needle close to me. I would have been able to stop them had it not been for the fact that whenever I moved too fast, I felt extremely nauseated. So I was a sitting duck. After that escapade, turns out they did all that testing just to find out it was an intense stomach flu. So I felt a bit better knowing it was nothing too major but still something that no one would ever want to experience.

Chase somehow managed to set up a chess board and we were currently playing the painstakingly slow game. I was winning. “Just move your piece already!” Chase gave me a mock glare.

“Don’t rush excellence.”

“You? Excellent?” I laugh hoarsely. “You buddy boy owe me $57 from Blackjack. You’re a sore loser.”

“Am not.”

“Are too.”

“Am not!”

“Are too!”

“Will you both stop acting like children?” Stella walked in during out argument. I smiled at her and saw Chase do a wrong move on the board, taking a piece of mine.

“Put that back. You can’t take that piece.” I pointed to his knight which had somehow managed to take one of my bishops from 6 spaces away.

“I can and I did.”

“That move isn’t allowed. Knights can move 3 blocks forwards then one to the side; not 6 spaces forward then one to the side. You’re cheating.”

“Am not.”

“Are too.”

“Am not!”


“KNOCK IT OFF!” We both look at Stella who had a rather impatient look plastered on her face; her arms crossed against her chest.

“He started it.” I pointed at Chase, who then plastered a shocked expression on his face, placing a hand to his chest.

“You wound me.”

“You ain’t denying it.”


“You done?” Stella asks. Chase and I nod but I then groan, holding my head as it feels like it was being pounded with rocks.

“Can I go outside? I’m getting sick of staying in a white washed room. It’s boring.” I was going to pout but then thought better of it considering I was already in trouble with Stella for breaking… uh… something valuable not too long ago.

“For an hour. Try not to cause any trouble and please I beg you; don’t go near anybody.”


“She doesn’t want to see Johnny try anything.” Chase explains

“Johnny’s here?” That was some good news… to me anyway.

“Well, they will be. The Fantastic Four will be coming over to discuss some stuff with Jordan and Lucas so both of you behave.” Chase and I nod.

“Yes Ma’am.” We both do a mock salute, making Stella roll her eyes before walking out. Once the door is shut behind her we both break out in a laughing fit.

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