31 - A New Love Interest

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"Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life." Leo Buscaglia

We stayed in Australia for another week, most of which I spent looking after Loki. His cuts were a mere memory, although the ones from the pool table were still visible if he wore shorts – which was all the time because of the heat. He winces with each step that he takes, trying to play the pain off as nothing, but he can't fool me. His arm is in a cast thanks to the medical talents of Logan. Loki didn't like that. He complains of itching underneath the cast and keeps trying to itch the spot... If I let him then he complains of pain when he touches over the spot where the broken bone is. He's an idiot really, but he's my brother and I love him.

Unfortunately, we're stuck in Australia until he's completely healed. He can't teleport us or anything while he's injured. He can't even use his magic to heal himself. Although due to being a God he will heal quicker than a normal person. Another two weeks he thinks until his arm will be back to normal.

Voices outside of the recreation room – which had had a major clean-up but still needed to have the walls fixed and a new TV to replace the broken one – caught my attention. Looking up from the book that was in my lap, I glance at the window. I could see Logan talking to someone. That someone I couldn't see because of the bush he was standing behind, but I could hear his voice. Shrugging it off, I look back at my book before moving around on the couch until I was upside down with my ankles crossed on the back of the couch. For some reason, I found it a lot more comfortable to read that way.

I heard the door to the rec room open but didn't really pay it any attention as I was getting to an intense moment in the book I was reading. When I heard someone clear their throat I didn't even look away from the page. Instead, I held up one finger to indicate for the person to wait. I turned the page and continued to read until I had passed the intense part. I moved the book so my eyes were visible to whoever had cleared their throat.

The man standing beside Logan was gorgeous! I'm glad my book was still covering my cheeks and mouth because I'm pretty sure that I was blushing and opening and closing my mouth like a fish. I felt my cheek heat up even more when the stranger smiled. "Andrea, this is my cousin Steven."

They had the same eyes, they could definitely pass as cousins. I quickly righted myself and stood up. Even at my 6 foot 2 frame, I still had to look up slightly at him. He had a mop of unruly mop of brown hair, dazzling hazel eyes and sun-kissed skin. I realized I was staring and felt my cheeks heat up again before holding out my hand. "H-Hi. Nice to meet you." I smiled before watching as he took my hand and raised it to his lips, kissing my knuckles. Oh god.

"It's a pleasure." His voice was deep; maybe a little deeper than Logan's. His accent wasn't the same though. British I think, but not pure British. It had a mix of something else in there.

"Steven helps around whenever he's around. I brought him by to see if he could fix the walls from what happened last week." Logan explains.

"Oh. That's nice. I'll leave you guys to it then." I smiled at Logan before looking at Steven again. "It was nice meeting you."

"You too." I smiled and walked out, but not before hearing a "I'm surprised you haven't ask her out Logan" come from the taller cousin. Before I could hear Logan's response I walked away back to the room I shared with Loki. I was holding my book close to my chest as I shut the door.

Loki looked at me as I entered but I barely registered the look he gave me as I walked over to my bed and flopped down on it. "Oh no." Loki mutters. I look at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're love struck."

"Am not!"

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