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"GOOD morning students." Mr. Han said grabbing everyone's attention. "We've 3 new students!" He said as he stepped back and a boy came forward.

"Please, introduce yourselves!" He said as the boy standing there smiled and said "Hello, myself Jungwoo. Please take care of me." He said as he bowed down.

"Hello, myself Jeon Jungkook. Pleased to meet you." He said and bowed down.

"Hello, myself Lee Anjeong. Nice to meet you." You said and bowed a little.

"Okay students go to the seats which were empty." Mr. Han aka the professor said. You all went to the empty seats and sat down.

You sat beside Jungwoo as there were 2 benches empty + you know him. He's your best since middle school and have crush on you. You even know that he has crush on you.


Jungkook sat down and took out his stuffs. "Umm..do you have a pen?" He looked back and saw you standing. He froze at his movement and looked at your features. It was lunch break.

"Excuse me?" You asked while he shook his head and said "umm..yeah, I have." He took out a pen and gave you.

You ran back to your new friends in embarassment and sat down on the bench of park. "Seriously?" You asked looking at the boy group who was laughing.

"JIMIN!" You exclaimed. "You know why we send you to him?" You shooked your head. "Because he's Taehyung's best friend and wanted to tease him. He's always quiet and we don't like that." He said and looked at Jungkook's figure who was sitting on a bench alone.

"Now, it's my turn to give you dare!" You exclaimed. "So-" The bell ran and the boys started laughing. " 'so' ?" They again laughed. "You-" You shooked your head in disbelief and ran to your class.

"Hey, Jungkook come." Taehyung said and dragged him in. "You're such a pabo! Why didn't you told her that you don't have any pen?" Jungkook looked at him and asked "why?".

"Because I can read your eyes!" He said and left Jungkook confused. "Hyung!" Jungkook ran to Taehyung and asked "what you mean?".

"Look kook, you know very well that!" Jungkook's eyes turned dark and stopped in his way. "Very well!" He exclaimed.

Jungkook passed by him and went outside the university. He was on his way when he bumped into someone. "Careful-" He looked up at him and saw Jungwoo.

"Oh..sorry" And he ran away. "The fuck?" Jungkook cursed at him and shook his head in disbelief.

[ NEXT DAY:- ]

"Jimin, what are you doing today?" You asked while having a seat beside him. "Oh my! Jungkook you?" You looked at Jungkook who was sitting beside Jimin on other side. You looked at Jimin who was too in shock.

"My reaction was same as you when he came up and sat beside me saying 'I'll have fun too'!" Jimin exclaimed

"Oh, Hi Tae.." You smiled and shooked your hand with him. "Jungkook come!" Taehyung said and dragged Jungkook away. "Hyu-" Taehyung glared at him.

"What the heck Taehyung!?" Jungkook yelled at Taehyung while he replied "oh yeah! You know? I knew it that you'll turn that side!".

Jungkook smirked and said "good." Jungkook patted Taehyung's shoulder and said "now let me do my work!".

Jungkook peeked behind a pillar and looked at you who was laughing while a guy was cracking idiotic jokes. "Which type of joke is this?" He shooked his head and ran to other side.

"Hyung, do you know him?" He asked while Taehyung looked at the person whom he was mentioning. "Oh, he? He's Jin! Kim seokjin!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"Jin.." Jungkook nodded his head and looked at your direction. "Hyung, I like a girl and want to propose her-" "stop it!" Jungkook looked at him and asked "what?".

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