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"(Y/N)!" A girl tapped your shoulders, grabbing your attention. You looked back and made a what happened look. She sighed and said "Remember, I told you we have a new professor?".

You stood up and sat on the back seat with your best friend. You giggled and said "let's annoy this professor, like we did to the last one!".

"Sumin, did you brought the snacks?" She nodded and took out a packet from her bag. She teared the packet and put it on your laps. You glared at her and said "why are you putting it on my laps!?".

"Don't you wanna eat?" She asked. "Yeah," You took out a piece and was about to eat it when a new man entered. You didn't saw his face as you put your head down on the bench.

Sumin sighed at your childish behaviour. "Now he'll punish you (y/n)!" She exclaimed.

"Good morning class!" He started. "I'm Jeon Jungkook, your new professor! You all can call me Mr. Jeon! I'll teach you English!" He added.

"Good morning, Mr. Jeon." Everyone greeted.

He looked around and spotted you. You was hiding your face. He cleared his throat and spoke "Hey, miss!" You swallowed the snack and shot your head up.

Your eyes got locked with Jungkook. Jungkook just smirked and said "you should not eat anything in my class!".

You just nodded looking at what he was wearing. A black suit.

"Hmm." He broke the eye contact and looked at everyone.

"As you know that I'm here only for 1 year so, I hope that we'll get along." He spoke.

"So, first we'll start grammar. Do you all know tenses?" Jungkook asked.


You just looked at Sumin who was eating the snacks secretly. "Please giv-" You whispered very lowly but out of nowhere Jungkook heard it.

Those who were sitting infront of you didn't heard you but he did.

"(Y/n)! Detention!" You made a face at him which in return he smirked.

"But Mr. Jeoonn... She is the one who is eating!" You pressured the word Jeon.

"(Y/n)! Tell me the rule of future continues tense!" You made a face and rolled your eyes.


"If anyone has questions regarding anything you can ask me!" Jungkook said.

You smirked and raised your hand. "Mr. Jeon, you are the CEO of Jeon industries, aren't you?" He just nodded and looked in your eyes.

"Yeah," He said. "So, why are you here, teaching us?" You asked. "Just to take care of someone." He replied and left.

You looked at his disappearing figure and sighed.


You ran towards the classroom as it was late and saw Mr. Jeon on your way. "Good morning, Mr. Jeoonn.." You faked a smile and bowed. Jungkook shooked his head in disbelief "morning. But no need to pressure the word Jeon."

You nodded and noticed that you both were at the same pace. So, you stopped and then started walking. So that you would be behind him.

"(Y/n)!" You both looked back and saw your friend coming towards you or like running.

"Hyung!" He bowed.

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