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ROAMING around in jungle with your friends, you found a tree. "Tilor! Sumin!" You call your friends. Both came towards you, running. "What?" Tilor asked while Sumin stood there crossing her arms on her chest.

"Look this!" You pointed at the stone and a bottle. "Huh?" Sumin came forward and touched the stone but immediately step back when she felt current in it.

"Bae, I got shock!" Sumin said while caressing her index finger. "Me too!" You was about to touch it when Sumin grabbed your arm and pulled back.

"Bae, it has current!" You looked at her with a face and looked away feeling embarassed as you was about to touch it when she told you that it has current.

"Tilor, let-" Sumin got cut off when she looked at you who was trying to pull her finger out of the bottle. Sumin made a face and smacked your head.

"What?" You asked while rubbing your head. "B!tch! Can't you keep your childish behaviour away for few minutes!?" Tilor chuckled at Sumin, who was busy scolding you.

"Hey!" You both looked at Tilor as she added "it's about to rain! I'm going! Come fast!" She ran towards the camp where all students are.

"Very good! Now come back only if you get free from this!" Sumin said and started walking. "Unnie!" Your eyes got filled with tears. Sumin disappeared from your sight. You ran towards her direction but stepped back when you felt something stopping you.

Please, I wish that this bottle get disappear. God, I'll give my chocolates.

Your eyes widened when you saw that the bottle disappeared and your finger got free. You looked front and saw that shield.

Huh? Just like bottle can you disappear too? I'll give you my everything!

It disappeared. You was about to run when you bumped in someone's chest which suddenly appeared in front of you.

"I'm sorry!" You bowed and was about to run when the person grabbed your wrist and said "I granted your wish, now do as you said." The person chuckled and made you stand infront of him.

You frowned at his sentence and thought he is joking so, you pushed him and said "I already said 'i'm sorry'!"

"Sorry, but you have to do as you said, by hook or by crook!" His eyes turned blue, and you was froze at your place not because you was scared but because he did something to you. You was not able to move.

He walk back to the tree where he had put a stone. He took the stone out and came back and stood in front of you. "You know, it's been 2 years since I'm watching you!" He chuckled.

"I tried many things so that you can come in my world, but every time I try to do, something could happen which would my attempts useless. But then I got an idea and thought to put this shining stone here in this tree so that you can grab its attention!" He exclaimed.

"(Y/n)!" Your eyes looked at the owner of the word and got a little hope.

Sumin. I'm here! Please! Sumin! Su-

"Shut up! She can't hear you nor can see you! And you're calling her in your mind though!" He yelled.

"Now, let's go home." He smirked and took you in his arms making your body paralyse.

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