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"BABY," You hugged your Idol boyfriend as he kissed on your head. "I never thought that I would meet you again." He added.

"But what if someone saw you?" You asked getting scared. The Idol shooked his head as he pecked your lips.

"So what? If someone saw us, then they would know that you're mine!"

You shooked your head and said "I came here only for 1 month." The Idol pouted and held you tightly.

"Will you leave me? Please just stay here forever. I'll start the process of your Korean citizen."

"But Jungkook, I don't think living here with you would a great idea!"

Jungkook broke the hug and kissed your cheeks. He was about to kiss your lips when his phone rang.


“Jungkook, where are you!?”

“Oh, Namjoon hyung?”

“PD-nim had called and told us to gather in the meeting room!”


Jungkook cut the call and put it back in his pocket. He pecked your lips and said "Baby, I have to go!"

You nodded and bid him bye.

Dating your bias was your dream until, he himself came to your country for a concert with BTS. After 2 weeks BIGHIT decided to hold a fan meeting in your country.

There you saw him infront of you. You was feeling very special when he said 'If, I could, I would have been dating you!' It made you blush very hard.

You was very upset as you all had to go. After 2 days you both again met but in a cafe which you always go to.

There he made the meeting a date. He himself asked you to go on a date with him. You accepted the proposal. As the days passed, he proposed you to be his girlfriend and you accepted being his girlfriend.

After 4 months you got an opportunity to come korea. You decided to meet Jungkook and surprise him. First you asked where he is and then went to the place.


"Just SHUT UP!!" Suddenly you felt a hard slap from your boyfriend, who was drunk. It was your mistake, to even ask for going out with your Korean male friend. You both was having an argue but stopped when he slapped you.

He slapped you for real.

You broke down and started crying. It was normal for you to get hit but from your bias.

Jungkook regretted slapping you and hugged you immediately. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He patted your back.

You pushed him and said "I don't wanna live with a man who hit his girlfriend! I'm going!" You was about to go out of the hotel room when Jungkook backhugged you.

"Please don't leave me! I'm sorry! I can't live without you!" He cried. "N-no!" You was still feeling your heart clenching while thinking that he literally slapped you.

"Please..." He plead. You snuggled your head in his chest and cried.


"Hyung, meet my girlfriend, (y/n)!" Jungkook showed his bunny smile and scratched his nape. "Oh, so you're that girl, for whom he used to cry at night everyday after leaving (your country)!" Namjoon said.

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