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"I'M going!" You said while the person next to you stopped you by your arm. "Yuna! Let me go! My mom will kill me!" You yanked her hand and left from there. You thought to go to a shop first so you went to the shop nearby. You entered the shop only to see 4 tall men in all black.

You passed through them but stopped on your way when one of them said "Yahh! I said stop it!" behind their masks. "Korean?" You looked at them. "We want..this." Another person said behind the mask. "How many pieces?" The salesman asked. "What?"  "I think we should have brought RM here!" You heard them saying that and widened your eyes. "BTS?"

You went to them and asked "how can I help you?" They turned back and looked at you. "You know Korean?" You nodded and asked "so, how can I hel?". "We want 7 piece of this" They pointed at the thing they wanted. "Actually they want 7 pieces of this." You said.


"Thank you so much!" You showed your head and said "No! It's my pleasure to help you." They chuckled while you looked at them. But you felt something weird so you looked at them and found out one of them is looking at you.

They took off their mask and said "We're BTS!" While bowing. "I'm an..ARMY! You two bowed and smiled. You found out that the person who was staring at you was Jungkook.

Jin, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were those person from BTS.

"Who's your favourite?" Jungkook asked. "I'm an OT7." You replied. "I see.." Jimin nodded. "What you think about me?" Taehyung asked. "As a kid." Everyone laughed except Taehyung.

"How old are you?" Jin asked. "Sixteen - oh shit! Oh shit I forgot I have to go!" You said while getting up.

"What's your name?" Jungkook asked with a curiosity. "It's (y/n)!" And you left.


"Hey, Jungkook is LIVE!" You looked at your friend Yuna and took out your phone to attend his LIVE.

"I'm very happy nowadays. Let's start with the comments." Jungkook looked at his phone and started reading the comments. You thought to write a comment as you know he will never read your comment.

@(y/n)_ot7 'My birthday is coming!' (sent)

"My birthday is coming.." you widened your eyes like finally he read your comment. "Happy birthday in advance. Hope your 18th birthday goes well." Your phone dropped on the bed like how come he got to know that it's your 18th birthday? You shrugged it off and attended his LIVE.

It's been 2 years since you met the members.


"It's being a month since your birthday has gone! When will you give us party you just say tomorrow and tomorrow! When will the tomorrow come!?" Yuna asked. "Okay, I promise tomorrow! But now I have to go!" You hugged her and run outside.

You stood in front of the bus stop and waited for the bus to come. Suddenly you felt someone behind you, but when you was about to turn back to see the person, he put a handkerchief on your mouth making you pass out. The only word you heard before passing out was "Baby..got you!"


Jungkook came back from his work and one directly to the master bedroom. "Baby, I am home!" He got no response. "(Y/n)!" He then shouts. No response. "Not again!" He opened his room's door and saw everything but not you. He clenched his jaw and made a fist.

He then chuckles "Jeon (y/n), how can you don't know that I have put GPS in your body?" He stated. He opened his tablet and saw your current location. "I am coming baby.." He smirked.

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