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"I'M going!" Taehyung yelled and went towards his car. He opened the door and got in. Buckling himself, he started the engine and drove away.

You shooked your head looking at Taehyung's disappeared figure and bent down to a 5 years old boy. "So, uncle is not here, what you want to do?" You asked.

"Unnie, he likes you." You giggled at his sentence thinking he's joking around. "Okay, don't tell anyone this now!" You stood straight and took him inside.

"Where are your mom and dad?" You asked while walking. "United Kingdom." You nodded and thought of yourself.

I used to say United Kingdom as 'unitet kingom' when I was 8 and he's just 5. It's okay now I'm 20.

You wiped your fake tears off and thought yourself as you're at a reality show and someone is taking your interview.

You didn't noticed that the boy was looking at you while making a face. You looked at him and got embarassed af.

You both reached the boy's room and stepped in. "Beomgyu, wanna play something or want me to make you something?" You asked. "Let's sleep unnie." You giggled and said "yah! I'm not here to sleep!".

But Beomgyu, being stubborn, he pulled your hand and made you lay on the bed. He laid beside you and snuggled in your chest. You giggled and patted his head. Suddenly, your phone vibrated, making you take your phone out. You saw the same number who has been texting you since 4 months.

You noticed that the little boy is sleeping so you got out of the bed and went out in the living room. Again, your phone vibrated.

[ ASSHOLE ] :- Honey, why are you sleeping with that shit!?

[ ASSHOLE ] :- Are you ignoring me!?

[ YOU ] :- 🖕🏻

[ ASSHOLE ] :- You know what it exactly means, baby?

You blocked his number and heard Beomgyu crying. You ran upstairs and saw him sitting on the bed crying.

"Hey, kiddo!" You hugged him and patted his head.

"Unnie, you left me!" He cried.

"No, junior, I was just downstairs because someone called me and I thought I would disturb your sleep so I went downstairs." You explained.

"Now sleep with me!" He pulled you back on the bed and hugged your arm.


"Thank you for babysitting him, (y/n)." Taehyung scratched his nape being shy. You smiled and looked at Beomgyu, who was looking at you with the eyes please stay here.

"Sorry junior, but my friend is calling me." You gave him a sad smile and kissed his forehead. "And sorry junior, but from tomorrow I can't come to meet you!" You exclaimed.

Taehyung's and Beomgyu's eyes widened when they heard you.

"Actually, I don't even know when my cousin made my flight ticket to Busan." Your smile dropped when you saw Beomgyu saying "Unnie is bad! Bad unnie!"

The thing you didn't noticed was Taehyung nodding agreeing with Beomgyu.

"But junior, my family is there! How will you feel when we'll take you away from your family?"


"What if someone else?"


"Try to understand junior." Beomgyu nodded and hugged you. "Bye unnie. When will you come back?"

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