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"WHERE, the fvck is she!?" You groaned. Walking here and there you just looked at roads, left and then at right.

I'll sh!t my pants! Please!

You was on the verge to cry as your best friend Sumin didn't came to pick you. "She might be with Jimin!" You sat on the footpath, thinking she is hanging out with Sumin.

You took your phone out and was about to click Sumin's number when your phone switched off.

"NO FVCKING WAY!" You stood up as your last hope vanished. Suddenly you stopped on your movement when you heard the bushes moving sound, like someone is there.

Don't! Don't look back! I'll kill you (y/n)! Don't!

You looked back and your eyes went wide when you saw tall man in all black. Black jacket, black jeans, black cap and a black mask.

A kidnaper.

You thought you're overacting, so you waited for the person who'll not come. Sumin.

Your gaze again went to the person who took a step towards you.


You started walking alone in thought you'll trick him if he's coming behind you.

But you soon started running when you realized that the person is stalking you. You looked back and saw no one. You sighed in relief when you didn't find him.

Your heart started beating fast when you heard someone whistling. Your hand was on your knees as you was breathing heavily.

You was about to look back when the person put a handkerchief on your face. You knew that you don't have to smell it, so you first started struggling but instantly stopped. You thought you tricked him but he tricked you.

He didn't remove the handkerchief from your face as he tied it on behind your head. Making sure you're not acting.

Then, suffocating due to lack of oxygen you gave up and inhale then chemical. As a result you passed out.

He took you in his arms and made his way towards his car.

Got you!

He smirked behind the mask and put you on the passenger seat. He closed the door and went to his side. He opened the door and sat on the driving seat.

He started the engine and turned to left side. He glanced at you and looked at the road. He removed the handkerchief from your mouth and put it in his pocket.

He again glanced at you but his eyes got struck on you as now he can admire this beauty.



(Y/n), Come back!" You ran and looked back at the owner of the word. Your high school bully.

"No! You'll hurt me!" You cried as you wiped the tears off while running. Suddenly you bumped in someone's chest, which made you step back.

"What is happening here!?" It was your brother. You hugged him tightly and hid behind him.

"You, Jungwoo!" Your brother pointed his finger at him. He was about to say something when someone shot him in his head.

You both flinched and looked at the direction, from where it came from.

"Jungkook?" You again hid behind your brother's back. "Jin!" Jungkook came and hugged him tightly.

"Who's she?" Jungkook pointed at you and looked at Jin to explain.

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