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WALKING around the streets, you hugged yourself as it's winter season. You started humming a song while looking at the view. 'Why it's always me!? I don't want to go and work with him!' You, now, was standing infront of a mansion's gate. Guards came forward and bowed "Are you Lee (y/n)?" One of them asked. You nodded and they let you go inside.

You entered the mansion and saw it's Beauty. It's warm inside. You saw a maid going upstairs with a tray of snacks. "Excuse me!" You stopped her. She looked back and looked at you before saying "Are you Lee (y/n)?" You got confused like how they know your name.

You nodded as she told you to follow her. You followed her and was going towards a room when you passed a room but came back when you saw a guy looking at his phone. But when you went back to see that guy, he was already looking at you.

You immediately ran from there and followed the maid. You gulped and entered a room. "Here," She said as she put the tray on the table and left. You looked around and looked at the figure, who just came out from the bathroom.

"Oh- you came?" He ran towards his cupboard and took out his necessary stuffs and sat on the bed. He patted the seat beside him. You went to him and sat beside him. "So, from where you want me to teach you?" You asked grabbing his English book.

"Here," The guy gestured the tray towards you and you looked at him and said "Look, Jeesung, I'm not here to eat. I was asked to teach you as you are week in English!" Jeesung pouted and said "You know? You should call me oppa, when we are out." "Just shut up! And listen to what I'm saying!" You stopped him.

You chuckled hearing jeesung's lame jokes. You chuckled because he was cracking lame jokes which wasn't making you laugh. You punched jeesung's arm but was taken aback when you saw that same guy, who was sitting in the room and found you looking at him, entering the room. "Jeesung! Mom is calling you for the dinner!" He said and diverted his gaze on you. "And you too!" He added. 

He left after saying. You looked at Jeesung and asked "Who was he?" He looked at you and replied "He is my elder brother, Jungkook." You nodded.

You both got up "I think, is should leave now." You said. "But dinner is ready." Jeesung tried to stop you. "No, thank you for asking me but-" You couldn't complete your word as jeesung dragged you downstairs.

You both went towards dinning table where you saw Jungkook, his mom and his dad. You bowed but his dad stopped you "Hey, no need for that. We should thank you for teaching this brat." He chuckled. You smiled and looked at everyone but when you looked at Jungkook his gaze was already at you.

"Come Honey, havea seat." His mom smiled. You nodded but seems like God isn't helping you. There were three seats empty. You was about to sit with his mom when jeesung ran and sit with his mom. You shooked your head mentally. "You can sit with Hyung." Jeesung smirked.

You wanted to sit on the other seat but can't even do something as it's not your apartment and the seat you was thinking to sit with was the main chair, which infront of Mr. jeon's main chair.

You nodded and sit beside Jungkook.

[ Jungkook's pov:- ]

I just hate when someone fail to do what I want! And currently one of my man failed to track my girl! How can he didn't tracked her location. It will only happen if she had went to a high security mansion like mine. In my mansion no one can track the person.

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