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"BABY!" The husband back hugged his wife while she was making dinner. "Jungkook, go and get fresh!" She yanked him as she went to other side to cut the vegetables. "wanna join join?" He winked at his wife which in return got pushed by his dear wife.

Jungkook ran upstairs and took a warm shower. Coming out, he wore his dress and was about to go downstairs when he got a call.

"Hello?" He started first. "Hey kook, I'm coming!" The person said making Jungkook surprise. "Really? Finally, the Park Jimin" Talking to the person he went downstairs and sat on the dining table. "Okay bye.." He cut the call and called his wife. "(Y/n), is dinner ready?" Coming out, you served the dinner and smiled.

After the dinner you both went to the room while you got ready to sleep. You laid down on the left side and was about to fell asleep when you felt someone kissing your neck. As you turned back, you saw your dear husband all smirking.

"Jungk-" Before you can even pronounce his name he smashed his lips on yours. Traveling from your lips to neck, he took off your tee and his too.

After that only they knows what happened between them. (Yeah.. you all knows very well!)


Jungkook swirled around as he grabbed his dear wife's frame. Suddenly the door of his cabin opened making him flinch and drop his wife's frame, which caused it to shattered on the floor.

"Can't you knock!?" He yelled at the person. "Hey, calm down! It's me! Jimin!" He exclaimed. "So!?!" Jungkook yelled while picking it's pieces.


You did the laundry and cleaned the house.

"Jungkook don't love you! He married you just because of your beauty! Think, why will he marry a middle class girl?"

"No! He loves me!"

"okay then just wait and watch!"

The person cut the call making you scoff.

"No!" You shooked your head and sat on the couch. Soon you heard the doorbell ringing so, you stood up and went to open the door.

"Oh Jungkook, welcome." You smiled. Jungkook didn't replied and went upstairs. With a sad pout, you entered kitchen and prepared dining table.

A sudden doorbell made you look at the door and went to open the door. Opening the door you met your family lawyer. "Oh! What made you come her?" You asked while giving him space to enter.

"Actual-" "I called him!" You both turned only to see Jungkook with two suitcase. "Jungkook?" He came towards you both and looked at the lawyer.

"So, where are the papers?" He asked. Taking out the papers, the lawyer aka Mr. Lee gave them to Jungkook.

"Here," Jungkook snatched it from him softly and took out a pen. "(Y/n), I don't need you anymore!" Jungkook said giving some paper. "Jungkook? What ar-" Your heart fell in your stomach when you saw papers. The only word, which you never thought before marriage or after marriage.


Your eyes got filled with tears while Jungkook gave you a pen .

"Jungkook don't love you! He married you just because of your beauty! Think, why will he marry a middle class girl?"

You wiped the tears and looked at him. "What did I even did?" You asked making him turn his head to other side. "I never loved you in first place. It was just an attraction, which I now realised." He said while you looked at the side of paper where Jungkook have signed.

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