#8 (1)

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"BABY!" You jumped from nowhere and stood infront of your love. The man around 21 held his books tightly around his chest and stepped back.

"Don't get scare!" You took steps towards him and pushed him on the locker of the university. You put your hands on the sides so that he could not run.

But he's taller than you. You didn't care about it and grabbed his jaw. "Do you know, how much I missed you!?" You spoke.

You pulled his face near yours and smashed your lips on his. The poor boy didn't did anything so you pulled back and pecked his forehead.

You turned your back at him and started walking away. "Wait, Jungkook where is my notes? I told you to complete it. It's holiday homework-" your sentence got interrupted when Jungkook gave the sheets and stepped back.

"H-here!" He said and ran away from you. You chuckled at his cuteness and made your way towards the classroom. You entered and put the sheets on the table. Soon everyone started submitting their homework.

You stepped out of the room and looked for Jungkook. He go to visit his brother at this time so you thought to go to his brother's class.

You made your way towards Jungkook's brother aka Jungwoon's classroom, ofcourse he's senior. You finally reached there and saw Jungkook talking to his hyung.

You stepped in the class and was about to go to Jungkook when someone grabbed your arm and dragged you out. You didn't noticed that someone was looking at you with a jealousy eyes. Even though, he don't feel anything towards you but thinks that 'only I deserve (y/n)'s attention!'

Here, you got angry so you pulled your arm back and put your one feet on the guy's foot. "Ahh!" He groaned and said "Hey, give some respect to your brother!" He exclaimed. "Who? The ugly one?" You mocked and started walking back to the class.

"(Y/n), stop bullying Jungkook!" Jin said and held your arm."I'm not bullying him, I love him!" You said and yanked your arm from his grip. "Then why are you forcing him!" Jin said and glared at you.

"I don't care!" You walked away from him but turned back when he said "You're going US!" You widened your eyes and came closer to him. "What?" You asked.

"Dad decided to send you US to mom and dad back!" He exclaimed. "Today is your last day!" He said and crossed his arms. "Dad will come today korea and will take you. I have already packed your bags!" He said and started walking towards his classroom.

Tears started forming in your eyes, thinking you'll not be able to see Jungkook or will meet him.

What if I left him here and he got a girlfriend or get married? I love him. I can't tolerate to see my man with another girl!

Tears started kissing your cheeks as you wiped them off. You ran back to your class and sat down on your seat.

You opened your journal and started writing something. You smiled and thought the day you met him. Everyone knows that you're a bad girl but still you love Jungkook, a nerd.


"Students, we have a new transfer." Mr. Lee said as you stood infront of the whole class. "Please, introduce yourself." He said as he stepped back.

"Hello, I'm (y/n)" You bowed and looked here and there to see everyone. You didn't knew Korean so you introduced yourself in English. You are here because you wanted to go korea to your brother and see the culture.

You had promised your parents that you would not do anything there and no complaint will go to your parents.

"You can go and sit with Jungkook." Mr. Lee said and looked for Jungkook. "Jungkook raise your hand." Jungkook raised his hand and looked at you. "There." You nodded and went to him and sat with him.

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