#8 (2)

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IT'S been 3 years since you are here in US. You still can't forget Jungkook. But forgot his face and warmth. You forgot his everything except his name. You tried to ask Jin about Jungkook 5 years ago but he said he'll not tell you anything about it.

3 years ago when you came back US, you got to know that your brother died. After 3 weeks of your reaching. When you had asked him about Jungkook, you was at the airport. You had landed at US.

Tears started forming in your eyes as you thought of that day when your parents went to Korea to see your brother last time. You expected that they'll take you, but no! When they called you about telling Jin getting accident.

After that day you got to know that your parents too got an accident and died. You thought to leave US, but thought that day when your dad told you that you can't go Korea back for 3 years.

Now, that 3 years have came and you're packing your bags. You don't even have feelings for Jungkook. Your love for Jungko ended when your family gone forever.

You are going korea just to meet your second brother who is handling the business of your dad.

Your hidden brother. Only your family knows that you have another brother too. There was a reason for hiding your brother.

Suddenly your phone rang, making you flinch. You looked at the caller I'd and a smile made its way on you face.


"Bun, I'm coming in 5 mins to pick you. Get ready!"


You hung the call and took your bags. You ran outside and locked the doors before handing it to the owner.

Soon, you saw a black car of your brother infront of you. You smiled and opened the door of the car an sat on the passenger seat.

"I wish! I too had died already with-" "shut up! What about me?" Namjoon exclaimed cutting you off.

"I somewhere feels like, I'm the reason behind all this." You said. "If you had died! Then what would I do without even a single member of my family!?" Namjoon asked while starting the car.

"Leave this topic and tell me about that guy!" You looked at him with a confused look.

"Who?" You asked. "That one! Um.. Jungkook?" Your eyes sparkled hearing his name.

"I don't remember him anymore." Namjoon looked at you with pity eyes as he know the reason behind you not remembering Jungkook.

After your families death, you started getting depressed and at that time Namjoon came Korea to take care of you. He wanted to take you back to Korea but as a wish of your parents he didn't took you. They wanted to make you a good girl by keeping you away from Korea.

Now you're innocent as Jungkook used to be. Due to depression you started forgetting the moments of your and Jungkook. Even you forgot how he looked. The only thing you know is now Jungkook.

How you know his name then? You used to write his name everywhere in the room. But stopped writing his name, when your brother got an accident.

You was about to forget your brother Namjoon, but he came to you at the right time.

"We're here!" Your brother said as he stopped the car. "What about this car?" You asked getting out of it. "Don't worry, my private jet is here to take it!" He smiled.

"Let's go!" He said. "My jet is here, come fast!" He said dragging you. You looked back to see your bags. But to your surprise your brother's Guard was taking it out already.

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