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A sixteen years old girl stood up from her seat when the king entered her chamber. "Your highness.." She bowed down and looked at her toes. "Where was you last night!?" He yelled at her.

"King..I was in my cham-" "Shut up! Just answer my fucking question!" He exclaimed. "With that guy, right?" She looked at him with panicked heart, like how came he got to know?

"Didn't I warned you last time when I saw him with you?" He asked while his eyes turned red due to anger. "Now see the consequences!" With that he left the chamber.

She ran after him and begged him to not to do anything. "Please king.." She cried. "Mora! Get her back into her chamber and lock it." He ordered a maid named Mora. She nodded and took her.

"Please king.." She begged. The person she loved is now in danger just because of her.

She thought to tell the queen about the things which is happening between you and the king but changed your mind when you remembered..

     ᴏɴᴇ ʏᴇᴀʀ ᴀɢᴏ

You entered the the queen's chamber after knocking 4 times. You saw the queen's back but was having doubt if she's really the queen. "Can I tell you something?" You asked while she nodded.

"Queen, the king tried to touch me." You said while thinking what will come next. "It's okay honey..next time I'll fuck you." Your eyes widened when the queen aka the king turned back.

"K-king..?" You stuttered while getting scare. "I didn't-" "so, my little baby was trying to tell whatever happened between us." You shooked your head while stepping back.

"Honey.." He stood infront of you and locked you in his arms. There is age gap between you both which is 10 years. You're 15 while he's 25.

He smashed his lips on yours and kissed you roughly. He bit your bottom lips which caused it to bleed. You both tasted the metallic flavour.

You wanted to throw up. You pushed the king hard which caused him to fall down. "Do you even know who the fuck I am?!" He asked. "The Jeon Jungkook, the king of this Kingdom!" He exclaimed while getting up.

"I forgive you this time but get it in your mind that if you dared to tell anything to the queen the consequences will not be good!" With that he left.

You fall down on your knees and wiped the blood off. You stood up and felt disgusted by his touches. You ran back to your chamber and cried out loud.

     ᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ

You sighed and shook your head. The maids took you to your chamber and Locked it. You knocked the door and cried out loud. "Please let me go."


You was sitting at the door which was locked. You was sleeping peaceful until the door got open by the king making you fall. "Tae!" You woke up immediately and called for your lover. "You woke up?" You looked up at the person and widened your eyes.

"K-king?" You stuttered. Jungkook chuckled and bent down to your level. You saw blood on his dress and bloody sword which made your eyes get teared up.

"Honey, we're going to marry." He exclaimed. "Never!" You stood up while Jungkook looked at your figure who got up. "Did I asked you?" He too stood up and came closer. "I told you not asked you!" He added.

"Honey, it's been 2 months since we did it. So-" He smashed his lips on yours making your eyes wide. You started pushing him with your all strength but it was no use. You bit his bottom lip which caused him to pull back.

"Bitch!" Jungkook exclaimed. You ran out of your chamber and looked back to see if he is running behind you or not. But who knew that in front of maids he will run after you. The maids was shocked to see you, running and the king after you.

Suddenly you got bumped into another servant which caused you to step back. The person pulled you behind a pillar while you said "sorry Jimin, but I have to go now-" you said while walking away but Jimin stopped you by your arms.

"Please.." You whined. "Tell me what actually is happening?" He asked. Jungkook passed by you both so you sighed in relief. "I don't want to go to him. He killed my Taehyung. You are my best friend so I am telling you but don't tell anyone this." He nodded.

"The King force himself on me and do dirty things to me." You cried. "The fuck! You are only sixteen!" He exclaimed. "Don't worry I will help you to escape from here. Promise!" He promised and kissed your forehead.

     ꜰᴏᴜʀ ᴍᴏɴᴛʜꜱ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ

"(Y/n)!" You ran and ran. You looked back and saw your worst nightmare. "Wait!" The person said. "Never!" You ran and hit behind the walls. "Come out!" He said. "Please...I'm sorry. I'll never do that again!" You said.

He came in front of you and put a small creature in front of you. "Eww.." You yanked his hand and hugged him tightly. "Please.. I don't like cockroaches. Don't do this ever again." The person chuckled and patted your head. "okay! Okay! I will never do this again, honey."

You froze at your moment when you heard the word honey again. "Stop it. Don't ever call me honey!" You yelled. "I miss Taehyung so much!" A tear dropped from your eyes. "Jimin!" You both turned back and saw Jimin's friends.

"Hey, let's play (old time football)." Jimin looked at you and asked "can I?". "You are asking me like you are my boyfriend and I am your girlfriend!" You said. He winked at you and said "okay... so should I?" You post him and said "go!" while he chuckled and said "bye."

You shooked your head in disbelief and vent towards your shared home. You was on your way to home when you felt someone stalking you.

What if it's a Jungkook or his men? No! How can he when I am not in his Kingdom?

You ran towards your home when you saw a figure coming behind you. Suddenly you got tripped and was about to fall but didn't.

Someone pulled you in a hug and snuggled his face in the crook of your neck. "Honey.." He whispered while your eyes got wide. "K-king?" You stated. "Finally you are in my arms!" He said while he inhaled the fragrance of you.


Jungkook came back from his work and directly went to his royal room. He opened the door and saw his dear wife laying down on the bed. He went to her and sat beside her. "Honey.." He called out. He saw his dear wife crying.

"What happened, honey?" He asked. "Please let me go." King's eyes turned dark and said "(y/n) dear, if I had too let you go then why I took you here?" He chal and hovered over you. "Now don't cry." He is to lips and went to your neck.

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Jungkook killed the queen and many men. He killed the queen when you left with Jimin. When he caught you in another Kingdom he then killed Jimin too.

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